The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Color Dizzy

Color Dizzy
Author: KNPMASTER Submitted: 7th June, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 469

Edited By KNPMASTER on 6/9/2003

The crazy spinning color game of mouse homing skill. The object of the game is to use your mouse to follow the spinning colored squares, full directions in game.

(P.S. I also updated the links to Gunner 3 and SBB so that they are downloadable on DC)

Also, due to the graphical content of the active picture object, slower computers will struggle trying to run this game. What I say to this... too bad for those of you who do not have faster computers.

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Posted by Jaffa [Mpp] 8th June, 2003

Looks cool
Posted by dave_c_version1 8th June, 2003

cool.......original, i dont like mouse games really but still, its pretty fancy. the title screen was real cool. did u use mode 7 for this game?
Posted by KNPMASTER 8th June, 2003

I did not use Mode7.
Posted by Jonas (Peasants) 8th June, 2003!
Posted by bob bob 8th June, 2003

Posted by Wormware 8th June, 2003

It's kinda cool. But it's too easy when you palce your pointer in the center of the screen. Damn, I can't shut it down (not even with Alt-F4..) But I'll wait for SBB-Editor, keep on going KNPMASTER!
Posted by KNPMASTER 8th June, 2003

I don't know what your talking about Wormware, but placing your pointer at the center of the screen doesn't get you any points, you will only get +10 for each one you click if you do that. Also not being able to shut down with ALT+F4 is your PC's problem.
Posted by Wormware 9th June, 2003

K, thanx for the info. I thought it was a bit strange I couldn't shut the game down.. Ow, so that's the way the score works.. :D
Posted by MasterRaichu 9th June, 2003

I guarantee that any score you get in this game will be surpassed by KNPMASTER himself, who pretty much sextupled my score with ease.
Posted by Wormware 9th June, 2003

My score is 1823.. And btw. I found the problem. My F4 button is broken. But I've got some other buttons without a function so The problem is solved.
Posted by KNPMASTER 9th June, 2003

Bahhahaha... 1823. Very incredibly low score ya got der eh Wormy? Let me set the standard by saying that anything lower than 20000 isn't anything to be too happy about. I average at about 25000 when I play, anyone else care to post their scores?
Posted by ChrisB 10th June, 2003

My high score was 11704, on my first play. This is quite an original game (I have seen stuff similar but I doubt you know of the games I saw) and it's great. BUT... (and it's a big but...) it is not PC friendly. I have a Duron 1.3ghz and decent video card, and that is hardly lo-spec, yet it runs at about 5fps. It was very hard to play the game because it was so jerky. I suggest that you use fewer APOs and use resized Active Objects to cut down processing time. (The title screen is very slow, too!)
Posted by KNPMASTER 10th June, 2003

Yeah I realized the slowdown after releasing it(I should have tested on slower pcs, i got p4 2.4). The APO really has slowdown and active objects would help but wouldnt look as good, which is allright as long as the gameplay holds up. I might re-release a PC friendly version in the future.
Posted by Derek T .Reaves 10th June, 2003

i dont like it too much.It is jerky,but the main problem is the mouse movement.I click on something 15 times when the point of the mouse is on it and the box is around the thing im trying to click on and it doesnt do crap.To tell the truth tho pretty original and good game.Wel
Posted by KNPMASTER 10th June, 2003

Derek, its your pc, its too slow, the game works 100% on my p4 2.4. Sorry to those of you who have slow pcs, ill eventually make a pc friendly version.
Posted by Chessmaster 11th June, 2003

Pretty good, but you should only be able to shoot at squares with the colour that is shown in the top corner. Misses should give you minus points.
Posted by Derek T .Reaves 11th June, 2003

hmm doubt its my comp.850 mhz pentium 3 192 mb ram etc.It may be cuz i got it from a garage sale and they had it doped up.I deleted a lot,but i dont think it runs full speed cuz there were a bunch of things on it with a crapload of filesharing programs and other like that.
Posted by Evil Monkey 27th June, 2003

Hey, cool game. I have a pretty fast computer so the only time it slowed down was when the blocks shifted the direction of rotation. Game's pretty hard, too. I could only get around 2000 on my first try.





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