The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Puzzle ::. TeTrIs

Author: Santa Submitted: 29th June, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Puzzle Downloads: 297

Edited By Santa on 7/11/2003

This is my second atempt at making a click game but please dont let that put you off, This is a very early release being a bit of a newbie im not sure where i wanna take this game so im posting it here with the hope of some feedback about what to do next, what game modes to make etc....

The game its self works well, its colourful, easy to play and as far as i can tell its bug free (i bet i regret saying that hehe).... What can i say - its tetris.

Contorls = arrow keys


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Posted by pr0 2nd July, 2003

looks cool!
Posted by alibaba 3rd July, 2003

superb for a second attempt - try something original next time as im sure by the looks of this u r more than capable o making a game of the week
Posted by Santa 4th July, 2003

Hehe Hope so, i wanna make a game of the week, I like chalenges :) But by the time i get somet good fishead 4 will probably be released on the same week hehe. As far as this game goes its no where neer finished yet but its heading in the right direction.
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 4th July, 2003

wow! if this is your second atempt to make a game... then you must be like the best click game creator here in a few years;)
Posted by Jenswa 4th July, 2003

wow looking good!
Posted by Bricnic 4th July, 2003

Looks good, file is only 531KB by the way.
Posted by ncsoftware 4th July, 2003

looks good, but ho about showing which color the bricks are right from the start?
Posted by Santa 4th July, 2003

Second attempt yup lol... but i been messing about with different programming languages for years, click seems to have come to me kinda easy so far. Your right about the size lol not sure where i got that from.... must have been away with the fairys or something. The design of the game isnt something i have focused on too much at the moment, just wanted to get it to play good, the numbers were a easy way to track where the blocks are and will be gone by the time this games done. So far heres the bugs i have had reported If ya get loads and loads of blocks on screen its possible to have more blocks onscreen than mmf's maximum object count (not sure how to fix this yet) Secondly if you rotate a piece when its neer the bottom then its possible to get the piece to leave the area :( (i stopped this happening at the left and right but forgot about the bottom ooops) And thirdly im 2 pieces short of a full tetris game (the Z and N shapes easy to fix) Whats everyone think about play modes, by the way pressinbg z and space adds and removes lines hehe
Posted by Death Reaper X 4th July, 2003

It's good but there are some bugs I've found. Sometimes if you hold the down key the blocks can sink through the bottom and then no more blocks come. And I was playing for a bit, got about halfway up the screen and the blocks stopped coming.
Posted by Kris 4th July, 2003

you need let the player move the blocks for a split second instead of cementing them the moment they touch the others!
Posted by Eric 4th July, 2003

Pretty good, the straight four blocks don't appear enough though.
Posted by Santa 4th July, 2003

Wanted to learn programming, and learnt enough to make basic stuff but nothing of any importance, click made it easy - not touched visual basic since lol Eric, Not set no probability settings yet, just a random number for each piece. In the full version you will be able to set the probability of how often pieces occur. Kris A, Good idea, i agree that this would make the game more playable. and Death Reaper.... The problem is it can rotate of the bottom of the screen i set it to check if it should rotate the piece before it rotates it, i made it check it wasnt going to rotate of the left or right and that it wasnt going to rotate over another piece but i kinda forgot about the bottom line hehe Its easyly fixed though :)
Posted by Silveraura 4th July, 2003

Nice, but whats the deal with the color changing, when a yellow hits a purple, the purple turns yellow, when a purple hits a yellow the yellow turns purple?
Posted by Santa 4th July, 2003

Hehe, That was a bug i couldnt figure out how to fix, but i think i got a way to sort it out now. Its caused because I have some sensors arounbd the block that tell it if it can go left or right or if it should stop moving. I then have a event that says if one of the markers is over a block or the base line then to destroy the block create a new one and set the new blocks animation (colour). Problem is it also changes the anim colour of the blocks that the markers overlap. I got a way to fix it though i hope :) In the final version i want each of the falling shapes its own colour, and the colours to stay when the piece lands.
Posted by Death Reaper X 5th July, 2003

In any case, very nicely done ;)
Posted by Santa 5th July, 2003

Lol My heads starting to swell up with all these nice coments hehe, and it aint even finished yet lol
Posted by Sami 5th July, 2003

The fact that the shapes rotate counter clockwise really confused me usually the shapes rotates clockwise .
Posted by Chace 6th July, 2003

"If ya get loads and loads of blocks on screen its possible to have more blocks onscreen than mmf's maximum object count (not sure how to fix this yet)" If you have MMF 1.5, simply go to your Frame Properties, select 'Number of Objects at Runtime', erase '300' and type '10000' (10000 is max.). Now you can have up to 10 000 active objects during runtime, and I'm positive you wont pass that limit. :)
Posted by Klikmaster 6th July, 2003

Great! Tetris is pretty hard to do, well, it takes time. So well done. Can't wait till this is finished
Posted by Lemmy 6th July, 2003

you people are weird, you think programming languages are hard to learn? I learned enough C++ to make a relatively good game in about 2 months.
Posted by Lemmy 6th July, 2003

sorry about that, I don't mean to insult anyone.
Posted by ChrisB 7th July, 2003

Yes, it's a great attempt. A few glitches as people have said, but for a second game that's good. (However, you did have previous programming language experience, so I would expect it.) BTW - I made a Tetris example and online game, you can find both on my website - the example is in the Examples section, obviously, and it's pretty faithful to the original. (It's on the Clickteam website (not forums) somewhere also.)
Posted by This Guy 7th July, 2003

I'm a semi-newbie myself, I only have 2 games done and I'm working on a 3rd and 4th right now. Your screenshots are a little small, but everyone loves Tetris although it would be better to try something new. Anyways, good luck with this, I hope it turns out good...but a point of can make it Tetris but try to add a little twist to it so it's not a complete Tetris clone. Making a direct clone is useless because everyone already has Tetris on their computer. And I also try for Game of the Week...and I feel bad for the ppl who released their games in the same week as say, Eternal Daughter or Pacman Worlds, or Fishhead 3. Anyways...good luck.
Posted by Santa 7th July, 2003

Red Eye, Cool tip, i didnt know that. I have only just moved from tgf to mmf was a nice little suprise as i thought the object limitations was a majour problem with tgf. Kellen, learning programming is easy, but learning enough to make a game to the same standards as something you can make in mmf isnt so simple, with click stuff theres none messing about its so simple and what might take 100 lines of code just takes a few mouse clicks. Click products make creating games fun. Tropic, i know its not a original idea, neither was my first release - breakout (incidently released same time as pac worlds). I chose these games cos im a newbie, and its easyer to get your head around a new programme if you know exactly what you wanna make in the first place. Im getting more confident now, and have learnt how to do important things like fast loops and inis so maybe the next game i make will be something a little more creative.
Posted by kevin karstens 7th June, 2004

Links broken...;(
Posted by kevin karstens 22nd January, 2005

Still a broken link...any chance it may be fixed soon?? Thanks! K





Worth A Click