This game's made for Circy's birthday compo platform obsession thing so keep in mind it's made in less then 3 days.. (2.7) It turned out rather nice so I though I'd just put it up here for your half 'n hour pleasure!
* 4 tricky platform levels..
* Some weird, challanging enemies..
* A boss level
* A level selection autosave
* A smal storyline to finish it off...
Have fun with it..
Mitchell Monhemius
(c) Aku Software 2003
p.s: If pictures don't work. Copy these to your adres bar:
Considering that you only made it in less than 3 days, I'm quite impressed. The graphics are nice and original and while the game is a tad on the hard side, it's nothing that can't be conquered with practice.
Well done, Aku.
This is good, but like everyone said, some parts are far too difficult. Annoying? Yes. Bit like Zone Runner, really. (How cunning! I bet you planned that.)