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Sacred Armour of Antiriad
Author: Andy H Submitted: 13th August, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 388

You are Tal, the last hope for mankind's successors in a post-apocalyptic world which has been destroyed by the invasion of a hostile alien race. The legendary sacred armour of Antiriad, an advanced anti-radiation suit, is the only weapon available to overthrow them. You have to find the suit and its components that are strewn about the landscape and then to use it to free your people

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Posted by defenestrator 15th August, 2003

Well, I like the graphical style a lot, but never has throwing a rock proven to be more difficult, or less rewarding. I mean, I just got so sick of trying to angle the damn thing that I just ran through everything, not caring if I died. Maybe use a mouse target to aim the rock arc at. Also, make the control interface more intuitive, or at least put some instructions on the title screen. I had to alt-f4 out just to figure out how to start the game (I would have read the text file first, but the pdf didn't open on install, so I assumed I was going on without the luxury of instructions). Anyway, give the player better control (improve aiming, let players throw when crouched and while jumping, make moving and turning around more responsive), and you should have a really good game here. Of course, with better controls, you'll probably want some tougher enemies. These guys are only challenging because the controls are so lacking. While you're at it, give me more time to look over the nice intro comics. Let players hit enter or something when they're ready to go on, instead of just timing them out. I want to enjoy the story *and* the artwork, man! Jeez, I guess if I had this much to say, I should have just gone on and reviewed it. Oh well.
Posted by Andy H 15th August, 2003

Ah Enter key is a good idea. At the moment it uses the fire key (Z) to step through. The aiming is actually an improvement on the game it is modelled from. In the original C64 version you just threw a rock, in ours we decided this was too mean for the player and we allowed you to hold up or down to change the angle. You think its tough now ? Try the 8-bit versions ;) The game is a faithful remake of the original 8-bit C64 and Amstrad CPC 464 versions (a semi-cross over between the two). Thus the gameplay translates from it. From comments we have received, it is clear that if you played this game way-back-when and loved it then, then you'll like this version. For people new to the game, we have had mixed comments. Part of the difficulty is knowing what to do, where to go and what to use...but that is the idea of the game, to explore and discover. If you'd like to cheat, do a search on Google for something like "Antiriad Map". The solutions you'll find for the C64 version can be used here. Thanks for your comments, always appreciative of feedback.
Posted by Andy H 15th August, 2003

The Hill Gigas - do you mean the sheepy code? I hope it will not cause too much headache, but we had to use it to prevent leeching from unknown sources. I hope all numbers are easy to see. If not, could you please let me know and I'll see what I can do to make them clearer. :)
Posted by freudianslippers 15th August, 2003

The sacred armour of Antiriad was an interesting looking game when it first came out but it wasn't a game I got to play much at the time so I was quite interested to see the remake. The graphics look totally faithful to the original and the introduction adds a lot to the atmosphere. Your hero, chosen from the survivors as the slowest jumping and least moveable of their kind, sets off in search of the legendary armour and its not long before the player sets off on a quest of their own. To find a game that doesn't pause for four seconds after a move. I can't play a game that pauses for that long allowing you to be killed through no fault of your own. Nor could I recommend it in its current state to anyone, fan or not. Nice trees though. Having said that it's easier to slate than create and some hard works obviously been put into this game.
Posted by Andy H 15th August, 2003

You get a pause? Odd, that does not happen for me. Again thats for the comments.
Posted by freudianslippers 15th August, 2003

I do, generally after jumping i find I'm not animating but all the other objects are moving fine. Is that just me?
Posted by Andy H 16th August, 2003

Check that you have the latest drivers (DirextX and video card). How much memory have you got? What speed is your PC?
Posted by freudianslippers 16th August, 2003

It's not because I'm trying to run it on a 486 or anything like that and all my drivers etc are up to date. It seems to handle Quake III ok and everything else I've downloaded seems fine. Sorry if I've slated your game based on my system though, seems really odd I've not had this with anything I've made or downloaded. It's a pretty accurate conversion you've done, I don't suppose Paradroid is next is it?
Posted by Metal Maiden 18th August, 2003

OMG how are you supposed to get by the title?? I have no clue! No instructions or anything visual aid!
Posted by StuC 19th August, 2003

From the main title screen try pressing the FIRE key (default is Z but can be redefined ) To quit the intro screen press ESC
Posted by StuC 19th August, 2003

Or you could just read the README file - which gives you the instructions......
Posted by Evil Monkey 23rd August, 2003

This game isn't very good. 1. There isn't even a HUD! I can't believe there's no HUD! 2. Why isn't the guy inside the AntiRad? 3. You seriously need to make a control setup. I really don't like having to be forced to use Z and X. At least make them Shift and Control, and if you could, for crying out loud, make joystick control!
Posted by Andy H 31st August, 2003

The HUD comes up when you enter the suite. It is not a no-brainer game, you need to explore and learn what to do. Ofcourse you could also search google for a solution to the game, as it is a faithful remake of the 8-bit classic, there are many solutions available to download. You can also redefine all of the keys, and joystick is supported.





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