The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Paintball war

Paintball war
Author: Adde Submitted: 18th August, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 234

In this game you play as a secret paintball agent, your mission is to shoot the other secret paintball agent on the other side of the ``white-line´´.

/let me hear what you think about took me about 3 hours.


Review This Download (381kb )

Posted by Marvel Hero 18th August, 2003

It looks like it only took 3 hours. No offense.
Posted by addea 18th August, 2003

ok...this is Addes new user...i deleted my old email... I will add a síngel player mode and more levels...more weopons and add a little bit better graphics...but only if you think i should continue it...;)
Posted by ChrisB 18th August, 2003

This is like the old games.. yes, I think you should continue it, it would be much better with a single-player mode (I don't have any friends here to play with right now) though weapons are optional :P Graphics are okay though, they don't need improving, but a grass texture would be nice.
Posted by addea 19th August, 2003

ok! im starting right now!
Posted by Adde 20th August, 2003

i have done a better menu, a new level, a arena selector and a lot more...hope you will like it when im done and have released it! ;)
Posted by mdfm2k 20th August, 2003

the queens blood eats! it shall make us all pay!
Posted by addea 21st August, 2003

i can do one level on 5 minutes...the game is really really almost done...
Posted by Liam Dawe 22nd August, 2003

nice, looks like i have a paintball game to rival with :D, im working on one too :P
Posted by martin k 22nd August, 2003

this is the best homemade game ever really nice gfx
Posted by addea 23rd August, 2003

ok! the game is finished...i cant delete this demo version because i dont rember my password but im going to look after it-




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