The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Spanky the Buttweasel

Spanky the Buttweasel
Author: Metal Maiden Submitted: 9th September, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 271

Oh corndogs! It's the stupid adventures of Spanky the Buttweasel! The first game featuring that loveable character that's bound to have an actual game license in the years to come!

Spanky crash lands on Planet Cheese, and the wackiness only begins there! Spanky visits some strange places on the way back home! Spam Land, The world of Peanut Butter and Jellyand the infamous Cabbage Monkey Carnical, and Spanky's own home planet, Planet Butt!

Fight weird bosses and explore this classic knp game! Spanky must fight his penis for a head rival, Gaimel! WAhhh! It's so crazy!

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Posted by Zap{Zapdude Productions} 9th September, 2003

It's so crazy? I think you are anyways downloading...
Posted by Zap{Zapdude Productions} 9th September, 2003

oh my god i'd say c'est terrible! if i was french but i'm not so i'm just gonna mention a few shite things about this game: Bad Points ---------- *Dodgy out stretched graphics, if you want to strectch some simply do it on word and copy it, it'll look a bit blurry bet it's better blurry than pixelly! *Where's the main weapon in this game? Good Points ----------- *Nice level set up ok gameplay. *I like your hand coming out of the floor animation;)
Posted by Metal Maiden 9th September, 2003

Thanks, finally a nice comment for a change! Yea, back then i would just resize my graphics so they look bad. In fact, the whole game looks atrocious.
Posted by Red Crystal 9th September, 2003

hmmmmmmmm interesting... OK well obviously the graphics aren't great but they did grow on me later in the game. You need to fix the movment in the cabbage monkey carnival maze and make the game ALOT easier... Also when I got to end of level where black smoke clouds screen, game crashed. But overall, it kept me playing and I enjoyed it (although many improvements wouldn't go amiss). Spriter here if needed ;)
Posted by Fatace 9th September, 2003

this is a lame excuse for a game. in fact i wouldn't even classify this as a game!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Metal Maiden 9th September, 2003

Wow, thanks alot Red, It's great to know that someone's giving my games a try. And for that last comment, you know whta, I really don't care what yo think, you have no games posted at all and I have better things to think about than your lame comments.
Posted by vortex2 10th September, 2003

Well, This game is intresting and orginal, I will give you that. However, there are a few points that if fixed will make this game ALOT better. First of all, the graphics arent THAT bad (I do ALOT worse ) , However making the walking animation of the weasel a bit more noticable would be a good plus (he looks like he is sliding :P) Second, the help file doesnt exist :(, try fixing it (Use install creator and have it install the file with the game) Third, the UI could use some work. Now, while an intro and a picture of the level before you play it like mario is good, A menu might also be err good :). Fourth, Music/Sounds, Do they exist? That might help improve the games enviroment a bit ;). Fifth, I am not sure if you are using a custom platform engine (I assume not) , well if you arent still using knp (if you are, i understand about not having a custom one) then, I would look into a custom engine, they are very nice ;). Sixth, As i already stated, the UI needs work ;). In the main game, I dont think a counter will do for a UI. It would be nice to see the current level, the health displayed as a bar (or lives) and have mabey a score or something? Seventh- Dieing when you hit something is bad :(. Try adding 3 lives per level, and making the guy flash when he hits something, this way the game becomes less diffcult, but trust me the players will thank you ;). Oh, and on the intro, clicking is a bit odd to go to the level, try adding if any key is pressed ;).
Posted by vortex2 10th September, 2003

Well, This game is intresting and orginal, I will give you that. However, there are a few points that if fixed will make this game ALOT better. First of all, the graphics arent THAT bad (I do ALOT worse ) , However making the walking animation of the weasel a bit more noticable would be a good plus (he looks like he is sliding :P) Second, the help file doesnt exist :(, try fixing it (Use install creator and have it install the file with the game) Third, the UI could use some work. Now, while an intro and a picture of the level before you play it like mario is good, A menu might also be err good :). Fourth, Music/Sounds, Do they exist? That might help improve the games enviroment a bit ;). Fifth, I am not sure if you are using a custom platform engine (I assume not) , well if you arent still using knp (if you are, i understand about not having a custom one) then, I would look into a custom engine, they are very nice ;). Sixth, As i already stated, the UI needs work ;). In the main game, I dont think a counter will do for a UI. It would be nice to see the current level, the health displayed as a bar (or lives) and have mabey a score or something? Seventh- Dieing when you hit something is bad :(. Try adding 3 lives per level, and making the guy flash when he hits something, this way the game becomes less diffcult, but trust me the players will thank you ;). Oh, and on the intro, clicking is a bit odd to go to the level, try adding if any key is pressed ;).
Posted by Zap{Zapdude Productions} 10th September, 2003

dude can we stop the double posting thing?
Posted by ChrisB 10th September, 2003

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't get past the green blob thingy, because smaller green blobs keep sticking to the buttons and I die almost instantly. I tried 4 times and couldn't do anything. I'd write a review, but you might delete this and ShadowCaster could go and delete all my games and DC points.
Posted by Shawn Wolfram 11th September, 2003

Dude, that was crazy!
Posted by Metal Maiden 11th September, 2003

Wow! I cant believ so many people are playing it! Yes, the game was made on KnP a while ago. A month after I finished it, it got this nasty bug that KnP has (Yves told me) that deletes all the sounds + music. Such a shame too, becuase it was so fun with them. I was thinking, so I go and fix the whole game, like majorly re-do the graphics and movement? This was alsways one of my avorite games :D
Posted by Metal Maiden 11th September, 2003

I mean should I redo it?
Posted by Nicholas Sanderson 11th September, 2003

why do you waste your time making stupid ass games like this when you can try to make good games but people like you are too untalented to and your ideas are plain out fucking dumb
Posted by Metal Maiden 12th September, 2003

Nice erview Hill Gigas. I'm greatly in your debt. Nicholas, please, really, calm down! If you don't like this then why bother saying such negative things? Obivously alot of people don't like it, and I understand. But some people gave it a chance and found all the imagination I put into it. I'm sorry if you have nothing better to do, but once you dare subit one of your own games I'll be sure to check it out. Peace!
Posted by ChrisB 12th September, 2003

I thought it was really imaginative - the gameplay didn't do it justice, though :P I think Spanky the Buttweasel 2 would be good.
Posted by Cazra 13th September, 2003

The idea and gameplay are great for this game. But, I still think there was too little effort put into such a funny game. If you fix up and revamp some parts of the game, I'd rate it a thumbs up. Areas that can be improved: -bad hot spot placement -some platforms don't work -The sound and music have turned into sample r and music r. -passwords should let you kinda save your progress, not redo the level. The wacky imagination mixed in to create this game levels it out a bit though. This is one of the funniest games I've ever played
Posted by Wormware 13th September, 2003

I like the black album!
Posted by Metal Maiden 13th September, 2003

Thanks alot guys, I now am doing what I wished to do years ago! I'm gonna re-do this whole game and give it very nice (but cartoony!) graphics, restore the music and sounds and change alot of the difficulty and bugs in it! OMg it's so funny with the sounds too.
Posted by Wilderness (Ultra Soft) 12th October, 2003

this game was .um.weird. i died all the time without knowing what happened.





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