The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. MultiWrite 1.1.1

MultiWrite 1.1.1
Author: VBFire Submitted: 21st September, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 177

MultiWrite is a Writing application that saves as TXT,HTML,RTD and RTF. It has MDI(Multiple Document Interface) and QuickInsert(Insert words into document with one single click). Also Background, and Font Colors, Font name changing and Size Changing. Fast Click Document Closing, and Application Closing, easy saving with its Toolbar, and a QuickInsert Dialog along with the QuickInsert Toolbar.

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Posted by nev` 21st September, 2003

Add at least PHP, and maybe PHP3 and PHP4 and I would use this :) Till then, ill stick with notepad.
Posted by gizmo 21st September, 2003

Hmmm. Isnt the daily click for CLICK THINGS???? Not VB?????? :P
Posted by Shen 21st September, 2003

Posted by 醤油の兵士 21st September, 2003

Yes it is, notice the word CLICK!
Posted by VBFire 21st September, 2003

no, shens an admin, he said No! Sejj: Im making a webpage editor for that.
Posted by Silveraura 21st September, 2003

Ahh, how many times dose it have to be said. DC IS NOT FOR ONLY CLICK GAMES. Its just packed with clickers because clicking is the easyest way to make games when you are starting out. DC is a game/app/screensaver site for people to add stuff they made. Click just is very much so intuned with it all! Very nice Mike!
Posted by Stian B. 21st September, 2003

Waiting for Carmack to post DOOM III ! :)
Posted by gizmo 22nd September, 2003

Ahh sorry m8 just confuzzled me :)
Posted by 醤油の兵士 31st October, 2003

download link is dead... and as for DC IS NOT FOR ONLY CLICK GAMES, i've never heard anyone say that before. o well, no need to argue.




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