The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Grizzlies2 Grizzly Warfare

Grizzlies2: Grizzly Warfare
Author: Jimmy Brzezicki Submitted: 23rd September, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 334

Edited By Jimmy Brzezicki on 1/17/2005

Edited By Jimmy Brzezicki on 11/28/2003

Edited By Jimmy Brzezicki on 9/24/2003

Edited By Jimmy Brzezicki on 9/24/2003

Edited By Jimmy Brzezicki on 9/24/2003

Edited By Jimmy Brzezicki on 9/24/2003

Grizzlies2- full game!
This is the sequel to The Grizzlies, a not so great (but kinda fun) real-time worms type game that I never put online, staring psychopathic teddy bears. Grizzlies 2 is entirely remade, with 10 weapons to obliterate each other in five different locations. All the levels are randomly generated, along a customisable basis. There are 7 game types, some of which involve limited AI team-mates or opponents. All the landscape is fully destructible. There are also different warfare modes and weather options. Weapons include the machine gun, shotgun, super shotgun, mini gun, grenade launcher, guided rocket launcher, flame-thrower, acid gun, ice-gun (that you can build bridges and barriers with), and the sniper rifle. There are also a couple of mod options, such as matrix mode and Rambo mode. The graphics (almost entirely self-drawn, save trees and explosions) are alright. I hope you like it, and if you do then bear in mind that its appearance online was made possible by fire (of fire software) who generously agreed to host it.

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Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 24th September, 2003

No they're not, they just take a little getting used to. I find a lot of other controls tricky. But, if it'll make you happy, the controlls will be refined for the third installment.
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 24th September, 2003

The reasoning behind the controls (for those who are put off at first) is simple. Since the aimes is rotated, instead of simply up/down worms style, your options are much more flexable. You can run around and retreat while shooting; something that isn't possible on game such as leoro or worms itself. Mouse aiming would be impossible because of the two player nature of the game. Believe me, even my dad can play this. There are people who, after just a few goes, can challenge even me. After all, could anyone play Halo the first time they tried it?
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 24th September, 2003

Oh, and since these comments I've done a little test: my mum, who would rather lick the carpet than play compluter games (her words) can play this. And she couldn't play Diddy Kong Racing. Just keep with it for a little while.
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 24th September, 2003

But thanks anyway for reviewing my game. I'm pleased you took the trouble, and I'm thankful for your possitive comments on other aspect of the game.
Posted by istvan 25th September, 2003

i actually like this game alot, and i didnt find the controls a problem atall, infact i like the idea of having the up and down button control the aimer, what else are they good for except for crouching and looking up, which this game doesnt need. weldone!
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 25th September, 2003

Thanks! I find that actually the two players at a keyboard thing does happen (every now and then), but in case that isn't the case Grizzlies 3 will feature a full customisable AI opponent (already programmed). If you're still having difficulty with the controlls try aim-lock mode, one of the many options, which was added to ease in newcomers. It takes out a lot of the strategy and skill but it makes the game instantly playable.
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 25th September, 2003

There was no need to delete the comments, and indeed I respect your review. You went to the trouble to download the game and you have a right to express your opinion. When you have done so, you have commented reasonably and constructively, offering alternatives and suggestions. For the record, only one person, other than me (and I'm admittedly biased) has commented on the controlls being easy, so you are not necessarily in the minority iether. I am glad that you intend to keep the review, and I hope that you will be willing to download Grizzlies 3 when I upload it, since I am planning on adding additional control options and perhaps online options (if I can make it work) based on your review and comments. And I still hope you try the aim-lock option (under "modes")which may make the game a lot more enjoyable for you, I am after all trying to make games that people can enjoy.
Posted by istvan 25th September, 2003

yeh, hill, i just gave my opinion, i can see why you dont like the controls, but i hadnt seen anyone else say what they liked about this game, and ive seen some of the great things youve written about mediocere games and i thought this was good. feel free to express ur opinion, it doesnt make you wrong
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 26th September, 2003

Great! It is going to be pretty special, if I can ever get it online. I'll do a full preview soon.
Posted by matrixkitty 26th September, 2003

how do you get ai oppenets
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 26th September, 2003

On grizzlies 2 or making them? On grizzlies 2 iether select the one man army game mode or the war vendetta/full scale war/lets take on the world modes depending on whether you want a single player battle, AI teammates or 2 opponents in a cooperative battle.
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 17th October, 2003

Woohoo! 1 more download! Just when I thought they'd stopped coming.
Posted by Mkingy 9th November, 2003

and they still are comeing
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 28th November, 2003

And people are voting, too! Thanks voting people!
Posted by UNstopable Flying Asshole 14th December, 2003

The link don't work
Posted by janne valtonen 30th December, 2003

Links is dead :*(
Posted by UNstopable Flying Asshole 11th April, 2004

the link never works x x /
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 14th December, 2004

Yes the link is pretty broken. If anyone actually comes here (which I doubt) don't bother. Grizzlies 3 is a lot better. If you don't like that you won't like this. If you do like that, you don't need this.
Posted by Daman 18th December, 2004

yeh i really want it to, i wish the link worked:(.
Posted by Rouillon 5th October, 2008






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