Metal Gear Solid: Lash Scorpion Demo
Author: | bluntmc
Submitted: | 23rd January, 2004
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Demo
| Downloads: | 296
Rated: |
Whattup nerds. Before I left this site (you may remember me as hozz) I was working on a game which, as you should already know, was called Metal Gear Solid: Lash Scorpion. It was set to be one of the biggest, most sophisticated games of 2004, with its high standard graphics, advanced AI system, enhanced gameplay, unsurpassed attention to detail, and one of the biggest, most well-designed plots ever in a click game. It's plot, which took over 6 months of detailed planning, is literally bigger than most PS2 games today, and can only be compared to games such as MGS2, Final Fantasy 10, and Halo. It was first planned for a release in early 2003, then June 2003, and then sometime 2004. However, because it was such a vast game, it had been in development for a year and not even the demo was ready for release. For the full game to be completed, it would take about another 4-5 years, and it would be well over 100Mb. Someone tell me I'm crazy. Unfortunatley, I had to abandon the game because:
A) Life was getting too busy
B) A lot of the stuff I planned to have in the game just wasn't possible for TGF. Now matter how much I tried.
C) Again, the game would have been over 100Mb.
Mostly though it was just becuase I was using TGF, which had boundaries to it eg, the limit to objects per frame.
Anyway, a couple of days ago I was cleaning out my computer, when I found... TA DA! The first boss demo of the game. Unfortunately I had to remove some stuff from the demo, like when you are fighting the boss, there was originally far more detail. But, I had to keep it under 5Mb. Geocities only allows uploads of 5mb or less. So, here it is. I know how you all feel about cutscenes and codec screens, so I kept them at a minimum. In fact the longest cutscene is only 2 minutes. However, I really recommend you watch them, or you might miss a lot of the twists. And I almost garantee you wont beat the boss without reading the codec scene. I didnt have enough time to completely finish the weapons system, so you have unlimited ammo for the Socom and M16. One more thing, there are a few bugs which I couldnt fix. Eg, sometimes the boss walks over boxes.
Run: Arrow Keys
Shoot: Shift
Select Weapon: Alt Key, then go into the "Weapons" menu option, or just select the option with the mouse.
Skip Codec/cutscenes: Enter
Plenty of screenshots at: http://geocities.hoss2000au/
(the screenies are from the full game not the demo)
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Registered 20/01/2004
Points 102
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