The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. "LINDA - The Rising of the Phoenix Trilogy"

"LINDA - The Rising of the Phoenix Trilogy"
Author: csharks Submitted: 26th February, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 211

Story of Linda:-
Mongolian Myths depicts - Zelora - The Galaxy of Death- Guarded by the fire breathing diabolic monsters who will even sacrifice their blood for their duty. For untold eons mankind has known and feared Zelora & those hell mates.

On a Mission to capture the gold and Hidden treasures of this Death Hanging Arena and to redistribute it among the poor and innocent guys of the Mother-Galaxy Linda and her teammates were captured alive.

Professor , her team lead - who was her candle in her hard times was beheaded as he refused to obey the monsters ! And her tiny brother gave his life to save her.......Linda was the most tragic victim of the invasion of Zelora.......While a captive on Zelora, vile experiments transformed her flesh into something far more and far less than human. During the experiments done in their genetics lab using advanced biotechnology Linda resurrected as a humanoid battle machine!!!

Linda is still haunted by the memoirs of her fallen groups and the evils that killed them> It maybe that she believes she is fighting this battle for her dearest teammates .......She won't admit defeat until the last drop of blood in her body has split out, Until she has dissolved into the all consuming void!!!

U as Linda had to complete the mission- Had to come out from this multidimensional structure populated with the greatest warriors in this vast universe; Of course with laurels ).-

Time has now come for the resurrection of u from your ashes like a phoenix! To prove to this universe that u alone could carry on this mission to success!

If not u then who else will ask the revenge???

Take of the challenge ).-

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 (399kb )

Posted by BullDozer 26th February, 2004

Dude, you need to work on your ANATOMICS(not your own:-D) it really looks weird
Posted by Pete Nattress 26th February, 2004

that story looks like it's taken a few rides through babelfish XD "who was her candle in her hard times" mmmmm idiosyncratic.
Posted by AfterStar 27th February, 2004

Weird weird weirdos(LOL!) game!....CRAZY STUFF! =)
Posted by ripthor 27th February, 2004

Hey... Ad-Aware picks that game as a Data Miner!
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 28th February, 2004

Holy crap, what the hell was going on in that game?
Posted by Death Reaper X 28th February, 2004

It was different I'll give you that :)
Posted by csharks 29th February, 2004

================================================= ripthor February 27 2004 Hey... Ad-Aware picks that game as a Data Miner! ================================================= Hey this is fake! Csharks hav checked it out with Ad-aware and a dozen of other popular antiviruses. No such activities! Ripthor u maybe kidding! But pleaz don'T ;)
Posted by csharks 29th February, 2004

===================================================== Phizzy Games February 26 2004 you cant sell this... you ripped graphics from mario, you will be sued ===================================================== Dear Phizzy V code projects in our lifeblood pleaz don't misunderstanD!
Posted by csharks 29th February, 2004

==================================================== Phizzy Games February 26 2004 ok... that really did suck... it made up a random name for me out of k's and m's... then the amazing short jumping and certain death made me finish... ==================================================== Phizzy it seems that u hav used arrow keys to enter name.(So these 'extended keys' ascii representation will appear in screen as K's and M's) No need for that. U can just type ur name as such and it will be displayed in the Board. Regards Maddies
Posted by csharks 29th February, 2004

==================================================== Phizzy Games February 26 2004 ok... that really did suck... it made up a random name for me out of k's and m's... then the amazing short jumping and certain death made me finish... ==================================================== Seems that u have entered in Fearless mode :0 Linda has to fight for her life with 8 monsters in 3 eyepopping levels, using 6 weapons, with 141 pickups to take that may decide her future. So itz not that simple;) U can go for tourist mod in which there is no fear of death. So u can go on fragging ur enemies Also u can edit config.txt in Game directory to switch on/off all animations cum sound & Also for changing Frame rate
Posted by ripthor 29th February, 2004

Well, maybe my copy of Ad-Aware is acting crazy then... But it did tell me it was a spyware. But since no one else found something, false alert I guess...
Posted by 3rdAvatar 4th March, 2004

koool game !!! gr8 graphics !!! but the DOS sounds suck as usual.i luv this game.waiting for the second part. :)
Posted by littlemagician 6th March, 2004

Itz fantastic.Seems like a new classic just like MARIO or DAVE .kooool graphics.Teleporter is gr8.Hats off to the sound for the "spell effects".I'll give 8/10





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