The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Black Sabbath's Iron Man

Black Sabbath's Iron Man
Author: PNME 2 Submitted: 2nd March, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 150

Edited By Dr. Bo on 10/24/2005

Edited By Dr. Bo on 7/7/2004

This is a game I am currently working on and it still needs a lot of work, I will most likely redo the first and only level I have right now and make it look much better and replace my picture with Ozzy's for the first player. Actually I may even change the game from a joke to a serious cool game or do both versions but for now I just wanted to get this demo out there so you could at least see my idea. I started this game as a spoof of the game Aerosmith's Revolution X which, if you've played it, you would know how I'm making fun of it in my demo. This may run slow if you have a crappie or slow computer. Anyway, check it out and at least tell me what you think of the idea or concept of the game or even the gameplay so far.(I know the graphics need a lot of work and they are currently being worked on right now).


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Posted by simon schweizer 4th March, 2004

ah what d..
Posted by Airflow 5th March, 2004

This game is scary, I'm afraid to press the shift key.
Posted by Airflow 5th March, 2004

Did I mention those graphics are (koff)(koff)(koff) clap ... clap ... clap Yea, fix 'em.
Posted by PNME 2 5th March, 2004

oh believe me, I intend to
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 5th March, 2004

Revolution X was crap, and this isn't better. Don't taint a good song like that, man.
Posted by PNME 2 5th March, 2004

I know Revolution X was crap that's why this is a spoof of it but I am thinking about turning it into a cool game cuz I agree it is a cool song. If I did remake it, I would probally change the style of the game and definately make the graphics better and maybe even change the plot a little bit by changing the army of household appliances into an army of bad ass robots with a bunch of kick ass weapons.





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