The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Tutorial ::. =FrAgGy='s Spriting School on HOW NOT to draw ;)

=FrAgGy='s Spriting School on HOW NOT to draw
Author: =FrAgGy9100= Submitted: 25th March, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Tutorial Downloads: 353

Edited By =FrAgGy9100= on 3/27/2004

Well,mmm....its basically a little training for those who doesn't know what is "spriting". And it includes 10 badly drawed sprites, 1 animation and 9 backdrops. So all novices and beginners, take a look at this and make sure to read the Readme.txt file in the file. Thanks.

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (53)
Posted by The Chris Street 25th March, 2004

Freewebs is TEH BAD.
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

No no no no no...i use both Download Manager and =FrAgGy91= nicks because i have so much files. I store my files to both because FrAgGy91 nick's file storage is full and Download Manager's not. I know that Freewebs is bad but...i use it because its FREE! And 5 kb file in 56k will take 1-5 seconds. With DSL or broadband it is 200% faster!
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

My friend has MMF. I use itby walking to his house and start making. He has 17 computers. HIS NAME IS STARA, or Nikolas Ahomäki in real world.
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

My friend has MMF. I use it by walking to his house and start making. He has 17 computers. HIS NAME IS STARA, or Nikolas Ahomäki in real world.
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

By thee way...have anyone got Mandrake Linux? Im downloading really kicks a**!
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

Because he has 2 other brothers plus our team plus hes dad's friends. RA!
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

BTW: RA means Really Amazing, not Rated Animal or something else...;)
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

*** Coming soon: =FrAgGy='s Sprite pack 1# ***
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

No no no no noo....hes dad is a repairman, so he gets some of comps as the pay of his job. But some of them are ugly Win 3.1 comps (like 122 mhz and a stupid 3DFX card) XD
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

And after and after those comps will be carried off and back again...and those 3.1 comps are always from an old 51-year old grandma...
Posted by Paul_James 25th March, 2004

r u serious - these are u sprites, they have no depth to them and they teach u absolutely nothing
Posted by Deathbringer 25th March, 2004

At leats he's not linking to files in his "my documents" folder heh
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 25th March, 2004

Whats about a huge sprite pack with more than 100 sprites free? And as a bonus you could play Flamethrower Tournament (Continueware*) and use all it libs without my permission? :) If someone is interested, i can make.. (4 months) *Continueware means that you can continue my game and add more depth to the story, upgrade the character animatons etc. Just do what you want with it!
Posted by Cazra 25th March, 2004

=FrAgGy='s Spriting School is TEH BAD. I don't see how newbies could possibly learn to sprite with this.
Posted by Phlibbit 25th March, 2004

Yeah, I agree. Most of these sprites are terrible. The one labeled 'animation' animation. And, these sprites also show that you have no knowledge of the 'Shrink' button that takes away the extra transparency, or the hot spot whatsoever. First, you need to learn how to make good sprites and good games with TGF/MMF. THEN you can start showing people how it's done. But until then, you need help.
Posted by Tongs 25th March, 2004

Sorry, but these graphics are horrible... this teaches absolutely nothing. Maybe you should first learn how to make good sprites and animations before trying to teach others.
Posted by Evil Monkey 25th March, 2004

Whoa, what a liar. XD Who would pay someone COMPUTERS for a job? It makes absolutely NO sense. And you say that your game has 3500 levels, and you made it in MMF, but you don't even have TGF. You've only got KnP. You expect me to believe you? Lol! And an animating sprite? The sprite doesn't even animate! This is so terrible. I wouldn't touch it with a 20 foot pole (So to speak).
Posted by joelr_2000 25th March, 2004

great value! aboslute sensation!!
Posted by Evil Monkey 25th March, 2004

Sensation? What sensation? :P
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 26th March, 2004

Ok...these are WORST sprites i EVER made. This is a school on how NOT to draw! ;)
Posted by ChrisB 26th March, 2004

And therefore a waste of time.
Posted by Elvn 26th March, 2004

This sucks a big kumara!
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 26th March, 2004

BESTEST?! WHATA?! These are 0,2 % of MY ORIGINAL sprites...i drawed these when i was 6! And then i just found them on my hard-drive so i packed them here so you can see'em. Nothing special.
Posted by Evil Monkey 26th March, 2004

Quote: "i drawed these when i was 6!" Not to offend you, but your grammar still sounds like that of a 6-year old.
Posted by ChrisB 26th March, 2004

And you haven't got any smarter since you were 6, obviously. Stop making excuses and delete this already.
Posted by Tongs 27th March, 2004

If you knew the sprites were bad, why did you upload this?
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 27th March, 2004

Yeah, im 14, so what? And i just posted those so you can see how bad im in drawing...thanks to **StArA** for his idea of Death By The Threat(TM) spriting...
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 27th March, 2004

I mean that **StArA** sayed me im bad at spriting and so another spriter will do that...yeah, btw, im now constructing the =FrAgGy='s Sprite Pack 01 with Flamethrower Tournament and all its libs plus over 50 cool sprites!
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 27th March, 2004

Name changed to bit more good ;)
Posted by Tongs 27th March, 2004

Posted by Echisketch(PS) 27th March, 2004

Posted by danjo 27th March, 2004

apparently he said he was 13 on another forum. this moron doesnt even know how to make shit up?!
Posted by X_Sheep 28th March, 2004

I voted thumbs up because it does show you how NOT to draw ;)
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 28th March, 2004

:D First good thing :D
Posted by hey hey shoe 28th March, 2004

... rrright...
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 28th March, 2004

*Deletes KNP* Ok, right then! *Goes to online shop* *Buys TGF* Is it NOW right? And i spend my last money to a crappy this a good buy? I dont think so because i dont know how to use it! :(
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 28th March, 2004

Next game will be: The Last Ride Description: Its kinda a sidescroller...where you just blow as many cars as you can...
Posted by danjo 28th March, 2004

with 19 million levels and 30,000 weapons , but we'll have to wait for 6 years while you develop - right?
Posted by Yuhkaz 29th March, 2004

Just sad. Sad. Dont bother.
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 29th March, 2004

No no no...oh, its a mini game. Like one unlimited little level where cars just respawn and you destroy 'em with your bazooka, uzi or grenade. Thx
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 30th March, 2004

By the way, i learned how to use TGF better, so the The Last Ride will bebit more interesting...
Posted by Tongs 30th March, 2004

I sure hope so.
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 31st March, 2004

I have deleted it 2 days ago! Its just so n00b gamemaker...TGF rulez!
Posted by X_Sheep 1st April, 2004

KNP isn't n00b. It's one of the oldest gamemakers :D But you can't live with only KNP nowadays. And because TGF's style of programming is very similar to KNP he could learn it in 2 days(if it took him 4 years to learn KNP ;))
Posted by Echisketch(PS) 1st April, 2004

so... if KnP is a n00b gamemaker, you should continue using it, n00bs walk hand-in-hand with aged game-creating software...
Posted by Echisketch(PS) 2nd April, 2004

i bet faggy thinks learning how to scroll in TGF is experienced TGF useage... XD
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 9th April, 2004

I just added my MIDI pack to downloads. 22 high-quality MIDIs for your games FREE.
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 9th April, 2004

But Circy didnt accept it...CIRCY SUXXS!!!
Posted by Echisketch(PS) 28th April, 2004

HEEEEEEEYYYYY!, Im an eskimo!
Posted by colej_uk 9th May, 2004






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