The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. BananaDude

Author: Tom Alder Submitted: 24th May, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 222

Edited By Tom Alder on 5/27/2004


An epic adventure game,
the evil butterhumanfly seeks revenge on you,
the little monkey man,
as you stole his family's cheese reserves!

Jump your way through many levels of fun,
as the butterhumanfly gives chase,
and you collect bananas so you can finally destroy him.
Like you destroyed his family.
YOU'RE EVIL!!!!!!!!11

Have fun!

UPDATE: this game has now been moved to a new server.

Review This Download (104kb )

Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 25th May, 2004

How many times do u need 2 edit your posts?!?!??!?!?! + XD XD XD XD
Posted by MisterBull 25th May, 2004

*laughs insanely* what the freak' are you doing with this?
Posted by Cazra 25th May, 2004

you can't kill the butterfly! No!!! Really boring game. Not much gameplay, no music, only 1 level(that I know of), and TGF's platform movement.
Posted by Tom Alder 26th May, 2004

In response 2 the review: u can win the game, you have 2 hit the butterHUMANfly 5 times and collect all the bananas! I think I forgot 2 make the ballsa disappear wen u hit them w/the butterHUMANfly. I'M SORRY!{CRY}
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 26th May, 2004

I don't mean to bash you with the review or anything, it was just an opinion of the game. Don't let it discourage you, and keep on Clicking.
Posted by Tom Alder 26th May, 2004

Posted by Tom Alder 26th May, 2004

in responce to your review, a new game will be released that has took time and effort that u mite take an interest in. plastic pig street racer - sounds crazy dunnit. {laugh}
Posted by AndyUK 26th May, 2004

its okay really the bananadude stick man gets stuck in the trees and you cant jump out of it straight away try keeping the jumping animtion, the walking animation and the standing animtion the same size so his legs wont get stuck.
Posted by Tom Alder 26th May, 2004

cheers andy. *noted*
Posted by vortex2 26th May, 2004

Wow, this is a true statement of the quality and direction click is headed! a true classic worthy amoung ED and Destruction Carnival! Read my review and download this NOW!!! XD
Posted by Tom Alder 26th May, 2004

lol {laugh}
Posted by Echisketch(PS) 26th May, 2004

Posted by ChrisB 26th May, 2004

Posted by vortex2 26th May, 2004

XD hahaha, I started a trend :D (The world is ending XD)
Posted by AfterStar 26th May, 2004

...This is a joke right? Right! =/ !
Posted by MisterBull 27th May, 2004

hmmm.. *snickers*.. ys know.. I'm tempted to do a silly remake of this silly game *snickers*.. make it look all profesional and stuff.. - I'm bored... sue me! 9_9
Posted by Muggus 27th May, 2004

WTF...3 reviews...9, 10 and 0...Pick the odd one out Muggus...Carn man...@_@
Posted by Tom Alder 27th May, 2004

Thanks for the reviews {laugh}
Posted by Tom Alder 27th May, 2004

screenshots are now under a new server. *yey* :D
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 27th May, 2004

*looks at the reviews* You people are all nuts.
Posted by Bricnic 27th May, 2004

Y on earth would u not only review your own game, but give it a 9/10 for gods sake.
Posted by Tom Alder 27th May, 2004

look, ive deleted it, does that make you happy {cry}
Posted by Tom Alder 27th May, 2004

It seems Like Hamish has nothing good to say about ANYBODY. maybee you should try growing up.
Posted by Muffin Batel [neonair games] 27th May, 2004

Posted by Muffin Batel [neonair games] 27th May, 2004

calm yourselves!
Posted by X_Sheep 27th May, 2004

Don't mind what everyone says :) Oh and don't use the {cry} that much XD
Posted by ChrisB 27th May, 2004

btw. I didn't review this game
Posted by MisterBull 27th May, 2004

and that other guy?.. oh wait... that was a monkey
Posted by Tom Alder 27th May, 2004

Posted by MisterBull 27th May, 2004

okay, now I'm curios... if the evil butterfly human thing is out to seek revenge,... why the heck is he smiling?
Posted by ChrisB 27th May, 2004

Clearly. You need to get into the mindset of the butterfly! His family got killed, of course he's going to take drugs to ease the pain
Posted by MisterBull 27th May, 2004

is that what Mr. Bob Brown does?.. before he plays these games?
Posted by Hamish M 27th May, 2004

No YOU grow up
Posted by Tom Alder 29th May, 2004

i doubt that XD
Posted by MisterBull 29th May, 2004

Hey, Tom.. did mr evil butterfly thing really pop a few pills?.. his smile really scares me.. and my little cousins
Posted by Tom Alder 30th May, 2004

erm, probably...i tihnk he did actually...he either did that or he was on the old weed before he set flight. XD
Posted by Jamesbuc 3rd June, 2004

urgh this game is BAD, as in BAD, not good
Posted by MisterBull 3rd June, 2004

welcome to the party, James :P
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 16th June, 2004

What did I just play? :/
Posted by Lazeri 27th June, 2005







Worth A Click