Author: | Victor T
Submitted: | 21st July, 2004
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Arcade
| Downloads: | 147
Rated: |
Edited By Victor T on 7/21/2004
Well, i've been klikin since 1997. Havent submit any of the games i've made in the past because they all sucked. So i went into VB and i didnt pretty well but i am too lazy to make games in it so i use TGF. I wish i had MMF so i could make this game have an online scoreboard. Hope u enjoy this game, i revised it 3 tiems now and i am pretty happy about releasing it since its not crap even tho its a small short game. There is also a secret pattern of buttons u press to unlock a cheat. Makes ur Bar really big, No way can u lose on Extreme. Please give me some good feedback dont jsut flame tell me whats wrong. Also try out my menu, heh it gose in and out... Oh yea u can check otu 2 other games that i have display online(delsol,pong) you can find it at my v4 site.
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Victor T
Registered 21/07/2004
Points 134
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