The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. PinBowl (Demo)

PinBowl (Demo)
Author: Justin Submitted: 27th July, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 173

Edited By Justin on 7/28/2004

A combination of Pinball, Bowling, and Pong/Breakout. You control the bowling ball and guide it through obstacles and such trying to knock pins down, hopefully not falling into the gutter.

Use Left and Right to move, those are the only keys used.
To beat the level knock down the number of pins shown. In
some parts when a group of pins is knocked down something will happen to help you get to the next area. All the graphics are original.

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Posted by Justin 27th July, 2004

Wow. I thought I had somethin here, good graphics, screenshot, small download, something original. And it's been downloaded 3 times and no comments. Damn.
Posted by David Niemeyer 27th July, 2004

I downloaded it one of those times and I thought the game was awsome, but it was also a little on the short side. Its a bummer your probably not going to work on it anymore based on how the demo worked out for you. But it was really fun and original, you did good. Very nice graphics too. People may have been turned off by the name, concept and description. I was hesitant to download it myself because it looked like a pong clone mixed with a sports game. This plays almost like a platformer, I really enjoyed it
Posted by contra 27th July, 2004

thought i'd give this a try since i made a bowling game myself some time ago (yeah i know this game isnt a bowling game).nice game. good graphics, big and vibrant sprites. dunno about the original factor though, this is basicly just an eggit clone. But the demo stage was fun and shows you have designer skills, so make a 9 more, add a timer, change the horrible music and you got yourself a nice game :)
Posted by Justin 27th July, 2004

Well it was either Grandpa's Krazy Bowling or PinBowl.
Posted by Rhys D 28th July, 2004

Good work mate :)
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 29th July, 2004

Can't download :'(
Posted by vortex2 29th July, 2004

Good game :), I like the engine ^_^. You should make a level editor, that would be cool :).
Posted by Justin 30th July, 2004

thats weird. Justin EC 101, aim me and ill send it to u.





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