Hello, im totaly new with TGF, only worked with the program for two days. So here is my first game or engine.
Whats new in this game is that you will get some cool weapons, like rocketlauncher and so on...
Created in two days... Plz give me some comments on this one:
I'm at school so i can't try the game itself, but judging from the screens you have either dealt with game designing before, or you're simply good...cuz even if the engine may suck, it still looks like a pretty decent game..
Considering it took two days and new to TGF, this is amazing. I look forward to further development of this game. However, one major gripe...
Why can't Mario shoot his guns? I pressed Ctrl and nothing happened!
Posted by
6th August, 2004
judging from other comments and the screens without even looking at them up-close, this seems like a pretty good game already, i shall "dl" it
It's...okay, I guess. Just because Mario has guns doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to kill enemies by jumping on them. Also, pick longer MIDIs to minimize in-level pauses, and make a dedicated button for changing weapons.
[|--CIRCY--|]: Well i can tell you this, the level in my game is NOT a normal playable level. I created it to test the different objects in the game... But thanks anyway...