The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Drive 'Em Up ::. Joustathon 2000

Joustathon 2000
Author: bobob23 Submitted: 24th September, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Drive 'Em Up Downloads: 257

Extreme jousting action with a guest appearance from well known band Anal Cunt

Review This Download (700kb )

Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 24th September, 2004

There's a band called what?
Posted by Noyb 24th September, 2004

Well-known by whom?
Posted by Noyb 24th September, 2004

I'd google it if I weren't afraid of what would show up. XD Anyway, this is a mildly funny short multiplayer joust (as in knights, not that ostrich-riding arcade game) match with two dudes riding office chairs.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 24th September, 2004

I know of Anal Cunt pretty well, so maybe he meant me. They're a kind of death metal band. When I say 'kind of' I mean the 'not very good' kind.
Posted by MattB 24th September, 2004

yay! klik games are getting licensed music! oh, wait... licensed dudes with afros. good thing nobody cares enough about us to sue. the game's funny in a jackass sort of way.
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 24th September, 2004

I've heard of Anal Cunt, but they aren't quite up to scratch against the likes of Cannibal Corpse or Deicide.
Posted by Jack Galilee 25th September, 2004

\m/ A.C. RULE!
Posted by Kris 5th October, 2004

that's music? sounds more like screaming




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