BM picture generator
Edited By Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson on 2/12/2005
I made this generator for TThomaso originally, but decided to submit it here. Edit: Here is a description: Clcik on objects to move them, click again to stop moving. Right click to bring up a menu where you can create bjects/change the music. Press Control to move the text box. I'm trying to figure out how to use the screen capture object so you can save your pictures in another way than using Print screen and copying it into paint. And press enter in the work area to restart the frame. If there is something I forgot to say, I've forgotten it. The current version is: 1.4 and version 1.5 is coming soon. Say what you think about it.
PS:I'm not with 10.0 in english, so sorry if you find any "spellin errers"
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