The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Sport ::. DownTime

Author: Mephistex Submitted: 17th May, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Sport Downloads: 179

Heretic Emu Studios presents...


This game came second in the DC christmas competition what... a year ago? two? Sometime back in the primordeal murk, anyway. After which point I promptly forgot about it and never actually publically released it.

Then, a few months ago, I was looking for things to put on my new site, came across the .cca lurking around on my harddisk, and put it up. This version is effectively the same as the competition entry, although with a few new tracks it has acquired in the meantime and one or two minor things bodged together.

DownTime is not a comment on any specific websites I might happen to visit, but rather a bobleigh (or bobsledding, whichever turns you on) simulator. Either pick an inbuilt track or create your own with the super-spiffy track editor and hurtle down it at several hundred miles an hour with only a crash helmet and a high-tech teatray between you and an icy death. You can also swap your own tracks around with your friends (if you have any).

The key to the game is both good steering and just the right amount of braking to keep you from going out of control but to allow you to still keep going at high speed.

DownTime may not be the finest game I've ever created, but it is one of the most complete, but is worthy of posting for the pseudo-3d engine and fairly advanced physics.

If anybody suceeds in creating any decent tracks, e-mail them to me and I'll post them with the game for everybody to download. E-mail address can be found at the website.

Paul Jeffries
Heretic Emu Studios

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 (1.34mb )

Posted by Joshua M. 17th May, 2005

Posted by Willy C 17th May, 2005

it is well made, 3D and all, but yea - it is impossible.
Posted by wario 17th May, 2005

Posted by Jason Dudie 17th May, 2005

hard game, but the woman is hot.
Posted by ben mercer 19th May, 2005

I thought the idea was cool and the screenshots wowed me, but i thought the gameplay itself was quite dull. The psuedo 3d itself is steppy, and could be improved by animating each piece of the track so that appeared to move closer smoothly.
Posted by axel 19th May, 2005

yeh, t'was not really 3D enough :P
Posted by ben mercer 19th May, 2005

Oh yeah i'd just like to add that i thought the track builder was very good.
Posted by Silveraura 19th May, 2005

Good & not impossable.
Posted by The Chris Street 19th May, 2005

Technically this is very well put together, but I found the actual gameplay to be pretty bad. I would give it a 4/10. (don't kill me)
Posted by Mephistex 19th May, 2005

Of course I won't kill you Circy, because I am capable of withstanding it when somebody doesn't like a game of mine without whining on about it. Besides which, I quite agree. This is a good example of coming at a design from the wrong end; technical possibilities rather than gameplay ones taking precidence. Sadly a flaw this game shares with about 80% of commercial ones at the moment.
Posted by Silveraura 19th May, 2005

The gameplay I will agree is poor, but the actual game itself, compaired to other attempts in 'fake' 3D gameplay if you will, is very slick. Poor graphics, but slick idea & tech. 7/10 overall I guess.
Posted by The Chris Street 20th May, 2005

Get with the times, PJ. It's been over a year since MSD was done. Move on.
Posted by ben mercer 20th May, 2005

Click opengl x is quite powerful, very hard to use but powerful, especially if you can create bml models. Maybe you should consider this?
Posted by Mephistex 20th May, 2005

Could somebody kindly point out to me where MSD has even been mentioned in this thread? Stop trying to plug your own games, Circy, it is behaviour unbecoming of a dc admin. Usually they are such highly principled creatures.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 20th May, 2005

Paul, where you been man?
Posted by The Chris Street 20th May, 2005

Psh. Any idiot can see you were referring to MSD and the lowly 3/10 that JD gave it. I didn't even need to plug it. Sit back down in the corner, eh?
Posted by Matt Boothman 21st May, 2005

I quite agree with Paul J - there wasn't any fleeting reference given to Mr Stumps' Dentures. Not the words of an admin spoken there Circy. Now go to bed and rest your head on your massive pillow.
Posted by Mephistex 21st May, 2005

Trevor: Oh, you know. Here. There. Your Mum. Nice to see than in my absence however standards of Circy's decline into paranoia have been kept up. But let's get back to the really important topic of conversation; breasts.
Posted by The Chris Street 21st May, 2005

Well this admin is a bit tired really. Anyway I really can't be bothered to get into an argument, so lets just be friends.
Posted by Hayo 21st May, 2005

breasts are cool.
Posted by Joshua M. 21st May, 2005

Huh, where are the comments about them 'mountains'? Oh well, it was gibberish anyway :P
Posted by Jon Chambers 22nd May, 2005

I'd say it is just like Gran Turismo. It's amazing to look at, but it sucks to play. The only criticism I have of the whole game, is the snow effect at the start. You should start by having a code that places snow randomly on the screen, and then have the rest of the snow fall from above the screen. Then again, I've never seen real snow, so maybe that's what it looks like.
Posted by Hayo 22nd May, 2005

gran turismo doesn't suck to play.
Posted by Pete Nattress 22nd May, 2005

I liked this game 2 years ago. Maybe I'll still like it, maybe I won't, but I'll be damned if I have to download it to find out.
Posted by izac 22nd May, 2005

this game is alright i suppose :P i give it a 4/10
Posted by Dustin Gunn 23rd May, 2005

Some random fangame with ripped graphics and a default platform engine gets more than 4/10 on this website but a technical marvel such as this, even with a somewhat flawed gameplay design cannot reach such hights? I spit on TDC with disgust.
Posted by Mephistex 24th May, 2005

Now now, JD. Spitting's rude, even if you do do it into the gutter.
Posted by Hayo 25th May, 2005

Yeah, life is hard in a world full of non-creative people who would like to be creative. I will try this when I have time btw, it looks interesting.





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