The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Pined pine mania

Pined pine mania
Author: SoftWarewolf Submitted: 2nd July, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 389

Edited By SoftWarewolf on 7/26/2006

also not known as spacebar, pinne(norwegian) or stick thingy thing.

this game is very simple very challenging and fun!
you simply control the rotating stick with mouse pointer and have to dodge all obstacles on your way to the goal.

think you can solve all 20 levels? i dont
but if you do, please post comment with how much time you spent.

and yes i have cleared all levels myself its not impossible, exept for the secret level.. but i doubt you will be able to find it

i recommend this game to everyone! have fun

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 (687kb )

Posted by SoftWarewolf 2nd July, 2005

becouse these are names for the game, but none of you have heard them anyway.
Posted by Ollie 2nd July, 2005

completed!...ok it took me 13 mins but the last level was a bitch! i think that there is a japanese game similar to this, just without mouse control. But the game's addictive and simple, well done!
Posted by Yai7 2nd July, 2005

37:38... Couldn't made it that way without faith... What's good is that it made me pray for about 20 Minutes or more! I think it's actually very good! Because I read in a book that living regular and spiritual together can erase bad feelings and negative thoughts... Sort of... Though it's kinda unfair to try and beat it just by praying... But... When I pray it sometimes makes me relax, so that's that main reason I guess that helped me to complete that game, even if it doesn't took me less than 15 Mins... Since this made on earth, I could give this game a 9... Smart puzzles... As a flash game I could send it to some Israeli portals that likes that stuff... Giving it less than 9 is actually like I disparage God himself... God gave you the Idea to make it and gave you the skills for it. Very good game. B.T.W... Beliving in infinity is much nicer than it seems /\_/\
Posted by Teapot 2nd July, 2005

Is it like KURU KURU KURURIN? never played that...
Posted by SoftWarewolf 3rd July, 2005

lol nastyman, thats the most messed up comment iv ever had. whatever makes you relax is good.. but we all know praying is a bloody waste of time. whatever format of god you belive in, its not even close to logic and you cant just asume it as a fact like that.. the idea is not totally new, but i havent seen it using mouse pointer before. anyway nasty and ollie congrats on completing it =)
Posted by Cazra 4th July, 2005

it's a neat game, but super hard to play using the mouse.
Posted by Jason Orme 4th July, 2005

nice game, i was impressed.
Posted by Assault Andy 5th July, 2005

Great game, I managed to finish it. I don't know how long but it was about twenty minutes I think. I found it so much fun that I put your game on the frontpage, sorry it took so long.
Posted by DaVince 5th July, 2005

Like Kuru Kuru Kururin but less childish! :D Pretty hard. And what about a level selector?
Posted by david-clarke 5th July, 2005

Argghhhh! very good game
Posted by izac 5th July, 2005

Vert good game! very addictive!:) who the heck voted the game thumbs down!?:( you should make a level editor!! and make a database where you can submit your own levels!!
Posted by izac 5th July, 2005

PHEW! i give up! i think i nearly completed it!:)
Posted by hop 5th July, 2005

This Game Makes Me Very Very Very Angry and Frustrated! Not Relaxed At All! It is addiciting so I didn't vote down.
Posted by hop 5th July, 2005

And It Might Be Because My Mouse Pad Is Terrible.
Posted by Willy C 5th July, 2005

I got to the last level and gave up, its so frustrating to restart that level over and over again.
Posted by TechVision 5th July, 2005

The final level is indeed a challenge...
Posted by Fifth 5th July, 2005

Kweh! 21:19! Interesting game, indeed.
Posted by Pyro 5th July, 2005

awesome game, way fun.
Posted by Blake Speers 6th July, 2005

The game works well. Challenge is high (for the last level mostly), and it's simple, stripped down gameplay that is definately addictive. Although I wouldn't say to insult this game is an insult to any God, I can't really think of any major thing to improve. I'd give it 8/10, but that's mostly because it's short and the difficulty curve spikes unecessarily for that last level (there also could be a little more variety of obstacles) I disagree with the person who calls for a save feature. Half the struggle is due to your need to memorize and flawlessly execute steps each time. One important thing, and this goes to all game makers, is tell us what the quit button is. And make sure there IS a quit button. I tried alt-f4 as was the old Klik way, ctrl-x, ctrl-esc, none of it seemed to work. For this game in particular you have an instruction screen at the start--surely you could put that information there? Good game.
Posted by Simon Colmer 6th July, 2005

good game, although i have to agree that it did make me angry :P i did get through the 1st few levels quickly so thats not bad (for me) the only thing i say is to maybe at the beggining of each level have a pause or something and without realising i kept moving the mouse at the start of levels! Also make it more lively, maybe different colour themes for different levels! Good game though, can be taken further!
Posted by Ski 6th July, 2005

OH MY GOD. the amount of times i tried to make a game like kuru kuru kururin and tried to make it orignal. Like Kuru Kuru Kururin but less childish! that game was great.
Posted by David Evans 6th July, 2005

25 minutes 41 seconds :-D You're right, it's VERY addictive, and the last level is just evil Looking for secret level now.. X-D
Posted by Willy C 6th July, 2005

Posted by Matt Boothman 6th July, 2005

Got upto the last level, then after a while couldn't be bothered any more. Nice game, but would be even nicer with some better gfx.
Posted by Peblo 6th July, 2005

72:06... I kept multi-tasking.
Posted by Bricnic 7th July, 2005

13:48..... but at least 5 mins of that on just the last level, what an evil level
Posted by Bricnic 7th July, 2005

Played it again straight away, its awesome fun, finished it in 4:45 this time :D Btw, you can unlock the secret level by getting an awesome time- it says "ownage" and you move on to the most RIDICULOUSLY hard level....... I was playing it, and had just made it past the hardest part of the level when a trillian popup blocked the mouse..... it wouldnt go away because the mouse was on it, and moving the mouse off it would kill me! SOOO annoying. I'm still trying to finish the stupid secret level.
Posted by Bricnic 7th July, 2005

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY FINISHED SECRET LEVEL. (Took 37mins 48 seconds, but I took a 5 minute break to ease my nerves....!) Well done SoftWarewolf, I haven't had so much fun with such a simple game in ages! I'd say you could make a level editor and have optional music, and maybe an online high score list, but other than that it's great.
Posted by Ecstazy 7th July, 2005

Nice game, but it's a shame that I can't be with one hand on the mouse and the other in my pants, and I need to keep it on the keyboard because in order to restart I need to press Space.
Posted by Assault Andy 7th July, 2005

HAHAhaha at Ecstazy. But he has a point, you should of made restart right mouse button or both mouse buttons at once.
Posted by Fifth 8th July, 2005

Heh... I found an exploitable bug! ...but my computer's so slow... I still couldn't get to the secret level.
Posted by Zapper 8th July, 2005

Its a great game, just not very professionalised, with menus and controls and stuff. But the idea and the gameplay is very fun! (Although it is Kurukurukururin in disguise, but theres no harm in that!)
Posted by X_Sheep 8th July, 2005

Pretty fun, but still needs more work on presentation and stuff.
Posted by Leerz 9th July, 2005

-almost killed my mouse.. woot.. final level is indeed hard .. very XD
Posted by SoftWarewolf 13th July, 2005

hehe.. cool i made the frontpage afterall =) Nicholas GIGANTIC applause and congrats on the secret level, i havent even cleared that one myself :O
Posted by Tomssuli 14th July, 2005

Who the sadistic bastard can make such a game, arrrg-hnngh! ...thumbs up I say... even when it makes me want to bang my head to wall 'til it crumbles :D
Posted by Louis Moon 15th July, 2005

That title reminds me of a certain Spanish expression...





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