The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Bat And Ball ::. OZIT

Author: Deophron Submitted: 18th November, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Bat And Ball Downloads: 198

Edited By Deophron on 11/19/2005

1. About the game

This game is made in 4 hours. It's only orginal pong clone with many
customize options. Game is currently in Beta stage, so i might add
some more options and fix some bugs, if there's any.


2. Controls

up arrow - move pat up
down arrow - move pat down

W - move pat up
S - move pat down

Other controls:
Escape - quit to menu in game
Mouse - control pats if mouse controlling option is selected


3. Options

-Irritading, if selected the ball irritades from all collosions.
-Start speed, select balls start speed
-Wraping, if selected the ball wraps around the top and bottom

-Time in seconds, select the time limit in seconds
-Sounds, if selected the music and sound effect are played
-Magnet, if selected there comes small magnet to playarea which bulls
ball toward it.
-Score limit, choose scores until game ends


4. Bug report

If you find any bugs in this game, please report me via email
My email:


5. ©

All rights reserved to Deophron

Review This Download (999kb )

Posted by Cecilectomy 18th November, 2005

pretty interesting. whats the little magnet thing flying around do? and graphics could use teency weency improvements. nice though.
Posted by Deophron 19th November, 2005

Well, the magnet bulls ball towards it. Thank you anyway.
Posted by AndyUK 19th November, 2005

"I'm just too lazy to write anything special here so I just copy the readme"

if you wont put any effort into the comment i wont bother downloading.
Posted by Deophron 19th November, 2005

Sry, I was just too tired last night when i made this
game... ._.




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