The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Ketchup Kamel

Ketchup Kamel
Author: 60 Cents Submitted: 22nd April, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 254

Ketchup Kamel
(As this games got deliteds, here we go again.)
Do you really need a deskription?
Well... alrighty then.

<- -> arrow: move west/east
Shifts: jump in the air, weee!

Goal of game:
Kollekt tomatos to gain skores, kvite pointless though as they do nothink. Pick up the Rotatink Ketchup to visit nekst levels.

Please post koments.
And vote for it at the games at the weeks.

/Ketchup Kamel, aka. Foab Machmoul (Spain)

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Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 22nd April, 2006

You're a fake.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 22nd April, 2006

Tell me, why is your website in plain English?
Posted by Assault Andy 22nd April, 2006

And why are you able to write a comment in near perfect english, but have problems with a description?
Posted by The Chris Street 22nd April, 2006

I was about to ask that. I'm not going to accept this game this time around, someone else can have the responsibility of doing so or deleting it.
Posted by steve 22nd April, 2006

Has anyone bothered to play this game to the end?
I just finished it (there were about 4 levels)
The ending/credits screen was quite hilarious; almost made it worth the agony of playing the game for the end message:
"There are no more levels. You are from denmark"
Posted by AndyUK 22nd April, 2006

i cant get it, but dont really want to
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 22nd April, 2006

Press 3 at the title or something to get to the 'secret' levels.

Yes, your secret is out.
Posted by 22nd April, 2006

This is ticking me off.
Posted by 22nd April, 2006

Here's the real link:

All you people need to really stop putting (space's)
after the link's!

umm.. Link doesnt seem to work. Ill just forget I ever saw this game.

Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 23rd April, 2006

Please stop voting for this. You'll encourage him (if he is real) to produce more crap.
Posted by Peblo 23rd April, 2006

Why was this deleted?
Posted by Noyb 23rd April, 2006

How surreal.
Posted by Henry GALE 23rd April, 2006

kamel attack. It was a good game on atari. It's a remake?
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 23rd April, 2006

No, it's not a remake, it sucks.
Posted by 60 Cents 23rd April, 2006

Thankz for votinks.
Me happy.
Posted by Peblo 23rd April, 2006

I can't believe people vote thumbs down.
Posted by The Chris Street 23rd April, 2006

I do have to ask what idiots are voting for this in the GOTW poll?
Posted by 60 Cents 23rd April, 2006

I dont now, but im happy!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 24th April, 2006

Because they think it's funny to encourage a fake account/retard to make more crap.
Posted by steve 24th April, 2006

anyone who votes for this game should be instantly banned!!!
Posted by Odin 24th April, 2006

I voted for it. Why? Because Ketchup Kamel will last as a Klik tradition, like NationalLiberal.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 24th April, 2006

No. No it won't.
Posted by lluka 24th April, 2006

this game was a good laugh
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 24th April, 2006 it wasn't.

There's nothing funny about this game.

Only retards, band-wagon jumpers, and mind-slaves enjoy this game.


Posted by 24th April, 2006

If this win's The game of the week then im going to scream for 5 hours.
Posted by Keatontech! 24th April, 2006

I'm gonna barf...
Posted by lluka 25th April, 2006

Finished ketchup kamel 6 times now
Posted by BJ Turner 26th April, 2006

Why are people even playing this frikin game!?
And voting for it in GOTW!!? Why is it even in game of the week!? It's like when the stupid jocks try to get the mentally disabled kid elected as class president!!
People are so f***ing retarded!!
Posted by 60 Cents 26th April, 2006

Did yoo just kall me a sock?
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 27th April, 2006


Was that a pun? Was that supposed to be funny?

Cause' it wasn't.
Posted by steve 27th April, 2006

iuabst cCANTA
Pleadxt suhugrry 4P ansd FCINHSXh teH NEW 1.
I realyl want toa easply Th NZxT ONE!!!!!!
AMSLTKHugh vsdmnyt d\UP!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 28th April, 2006


Posted by Ganymede Graphics 28th April, 2006

this game completely screwed up my resolution and whole screen, i have to scroll to see my desktop, and theres no way to fix it thanks
Posted by steve 28th April, 2006

XENOC press ctrl+alt+delete and close "Ketchup kamel" from the list of programs running (I also had this problem with the game)
Its just very badly made and has all kinds of bugs and glitches(I think on purpose)
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 29th April, 2006

Posted by Isbeorn 29th April, 2006

Hmm. I had a look at this today. I don't know if anyone had noticed this before, but most of the text is actually in Swedish, not to mention Göran Persson - the Swedish prime minister, and Arne Weisse a Swedish 'celebrity' appearing in the credits!
Posted by Kazuma 30th April, 2006

Ketchup Kamel (bakk), if it's alright with you, I would like to take over the production of the Ketchup Kamel sequel, Mustard Moose.

If Mustard Moose doesn't get GotW, then there is something wrong with this world.

...seriously though, kill yourself, your game sucks
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 30th April, 2006

He's a fake account. He hasn't been back in over 106 hours.
Posted by 60 Cents 1st May, 2006

Do you miss me, Lazi?
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 2nd May, 2006

Aw fuck.

No, I was actually throwing a party.
Posted by Joey vvvv 14th May, 2006

Heck, even Prask is better than this, and it's a FRIGGG'NNNN GEGA RIP OFF!!!!!!!!
Posted by 19th June, 2006

hes from spain, how can you hate him?
Posted by alastair john jack 13th November, 2006

Hay, haha that is nice
Posted by DaVince 28th November, 2006

I wuz here

Posted by SevenT2 - [GameStormers] 3rd December, 2006

lmao, what a retard.
Posted by DaVince 7th December, 2006

This rocks1111





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