AI Engine
Author: | Milo
Submitted: | 18th June, 2006
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Engine
| Downloads: | 362
Rated: |
I made this engine in 2 hours for AI. It figures out which AI is the most harmful and shoots it. The factor that decide this is which enemy is closer. Although it shoots really fast and looks like it's shooting random objects (Which it's not)it still works. The score goes up 1 each time the smarter AI kills a dumb AI and dumb AI spawn about every .02 secs. It might save someone some time, but AI isnt too hard to make. The AI fighting can go on for quite a while.The graphics arent great, but you can modify those. Afterall this is just an engine
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Registered 17/09/2005
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