The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. The Terminator

The Terminator
Author: markno2 Submitted: 28th June, 2006 Favourites:1
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 250

Edited By marky_2 on 05/01/2015

Edited By marky_2 on 11/3/2013

This game is a fast-paced, full-screen, high-res scrolling shooter game, with the player taking the role of the infamous Terminator from the popular Terminator movie series. This game is based on the plot-line of the first Terminator film.

The controls are simple, use arrow keys to move, shift to jump and ctrl to fire. It's all explained in the game.

This game features high-quality cutscenes too, so begin downloading!

This game features:
*Fast-paced side-scrolling action
*Good graphics + smooth animations
*Talented voice acting
*Challenging enemies with different weapons and good A.I.

NOTE: You have to disable download accelarators for this server to allow you to download.

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Posted by Assault Andy 28th June, 2006

Can you please de-hype your own game, and write some things about what your game actually contains?
Posted by markno2 28th June, 2006

Posted by Wicked Studios 28th June, 2006

Internet game of the year? Hell no! More blood than any game you've ever played? Apparently you've never played just about half of the fps games out nowadays. High quality cutscenes? I doubt it. And how come in every pic you posted the terminator is on his knees?
Posted by Wicked Studios 28th June, 2006

Posted by Whippers With 28th June, 2006

I really hope this is a joke. If it is, it's a pretty bad joke. Even though it sucks no matter how you look at it, it must have taken quite some time to make. Don't repeat that mistake. Never make a game again. At least not with voice acting, because it sent chills down my spine every time someone spoke.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 28th June, 2006

His crouching animation is hilarious. Lookes like someone cut off his legs and duct taped them back on at a wierd angle.
Posted by Kai Proton 28th June, 2006

whoa, this game,

I really Loved the Terminator Movies, and Games, and now I feel a little sick,
Posted by 28th June, 2006

Hey don't be such asses he tryed and thats what we used to be here for to give nice critisizum that could tell them what they did wrong not " this suxxorzz my ballzorzz hhahahah lol 1337 N008"
Posted by 28th June, 2006

Chalangeing game I liked the desk shout out but that first boss I just ran past I couldn't get past the part after the moto ride though too hard very smooth waslkiong animation. good job Thumbs up.
Posted by AndyUK 28th June, 2006

Did you read the description billybob? thats the reason they are being such 'asses'.
Posted by BeamSplashX 29th June, 2006

Posted by Rigger431 29th June, 2006

Hey this game's pretty good. And I hope the rest of you realise that the "Add comment" section is not designed for you to be an asshole. Thumbs upside!
Posted by markno2 29th June, 2006

Hmm, bit of a mixed response here.
Posted by ..:.Phox.:.. 29th June, 2006


can it be true?!

THE AWSUM GRAFICZ!!!!!!!!! w00t!

p.s.- please do not auto-HYPER-rate your game as having great graphics or extremely good gameplay.
Please let US, players of your game(or not), tell you if it's good.

Have a good day.
Posted by Kai Proton 29th June, 2006

Well after moaning about it, i been and played the MegaDrive and Snes versions, and they arnt muct better,
and ive actually playedthis to the end too...

The street racing was great.
Posted by 29th June, 2006

How did you get past the part after the moter cycle race?? I never had enough health because I would try to dodge bullets but couldn't please explain!
Posted by Kai Proton 29th June, 2006

what !!?!?

It was actually relativly easy,
just pleyed it a lot
for abount an hour

Posted by Kai Proton 29th June, 2006

does ne1 remember the Amiga/PC T2 game??

Posted by -Nick- 29th June, 2006

For the bit of this game i played, i actually thought it was fairly well put together... although i quit it after a few "levels" due to the repeating sound bug.

Didn't like:
-Ducking animation was hilarious... he seems to have an extra joint halfway above his knees lol.
-Death animations were awful with blood flying everywhere without gravity.
-Beginning cut scene was too comical.
Posted by Nev6502 29th June, 2006

i liked the game as a terminator fan

but i hated the reward

and the fact that you cant kill sarah
Posted by Mruqe 29th June, 2006

I will NOT download a game that looks THIS UGLY.
Posted by markno2 29th June, 2006

I think it's pretty
Posted by tdc052621 30th June, 2006

Asstalavista beby! o wait, that was terminator 2 ><
Posted by markno2 30th June, 2006

He hasn't got double joints, just baggy pants
Posted by Del Duio 1st July, 2006

Where are the HKs? I know it's from the first movie, but they WERE in the opening future scene!

You should have a cutscene where he has to take his eyeball out and it looks cheesy like in the movie!
Posted by Greasy 1st July, 2006

Posted by Greasy 1st July, 2006

Good game though. I played through the whole thing.
Posted by markno2 2nd July, 2006

Well there is a scene of someone's eyeball being taken out.
Posted by thewreck 2nd July, 2006

i want to kill sarah! noooh! damn machine.
Posted by Strange Culture 2nd July, 2006

I’m going to vote this GOTW & give if thumbs up just because I can imagine his face if it wins and it was quite funny to play.
Posted by 3rd July, 2006

Hehe, i like this game.
Great work!
Posted by 3rd July, 2006

One thing, though.
You could add some music into the game.
Posted by Crimson79 3rd July, 2006

HAHAAHA this game is so stupid it almost made me laugh myself to death the cutscenes are so damn funny the voices are really funny i give it thumps up good job
Posted by Scick 4th July, 2006

Nice work I liked the cut scenes, especially when that cop gets his head blown off. Cool sounds to. I think you gotta fix the crouching animation though
Posted by Joshua M. 4th July, 2006

lol. I loved this game, simply because it's so... well, newbie like. It reminds me of the games I used to make
But seriously, actually this game is bad. Really bad. And what's with that crouching animation?
Posted by 4th July, 2006

Played this again, and this game is awesome.
Love the cutscenes.
Posted by Del Duio 4th July, 2006

Thumbs Up Baby! Now make T2 with the T1000!!

"It absolutely, positively, WILL NOT STOP until YOU are DEAD!!!"

Terminator rules, I think I saw it almost 20 times when I was a kid
Posted by NeoHunter 5th July, 2006

I actually played through the whole ain't as bad as people are claiming, but then again I think those people are sitting on some kinda platform, much higher then most people -_-;

As for the game, nothing too impressive, but I played to the end, so that must mean it's at least decent. Reminds me of my days back with KnP god knows how long ago, trying to make a good game

So for a generally fun, if ametur game, and a nostaglia trip for myself, I'd say it was an ok game.
Posted by The Chris Street 8th July, 2006

Oh yah: A comment by Rigger431 (or Rigger432)::

"Hey this game's pretty good. And I hope the rest of you realise that the "Add comment" section is not designed for you to be an asshole. Thumbs upside!

Wow your IP address is exactly the same as Markno2 - the author of this game!

Posted by Rigger431 8th July, 2006

Umm, no it isn\'t... According to the active users page I am 85.214.36.*
Posted by markno2 8th July, 2006

I think it's pretty obvious what happened here... Rigger432 somehow managed to sneak his computer into my house and use my internet connection..........


Posted by Noyb 22nd July, 2006

The slowed-down voice acting is hilarious. I have never laughed so much while playing a game based on an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
Posted by Neuro 30th April, 2011
Rated :

Played this again, and I still think it's the greatest thing ever made.





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