The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Booga-Boo remake

Booga-Boo remake
Author: Simon Czentnár Submitted: 11th May, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 251

Edited By Simon Czentnár on 9/16/2011

Edited By Simon Czentnár on 9/16/2011

Edited By Simon Czentnár on 4/21/2009

Booga-Boo was a very good game from Indescomp (1983). The publisher was Quicksilva and the program was running under Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum. There is a review from a book called 1001/1 GAME C64/128 (1989, Hungary):

Booga Boo
Indescomp / 1983
Joystick (port 2): Right, left, fire + arrow = slide screen, stop pressing arrow button = jump
Aim: Get back to the beginning of the ground. Warning! There are carnivore plants and a big bird.
The music is good, super graphics and animation. Red points show you how big the jump will be if you stop pressing the arrow button.

A little flea called Bugaboo has fallen into a deep gorge, and it's your job to get it out as quickly as possible, reach the top of the cavern in which it has become trapped. The cavern is made up of various ledges and platforms which you can use to work your way to the top.

To move around you simply use two keys, for jump left and jump right. The amount of time you hold the keys down for determines how far you jump. The red points show you how big the jump will be if you stop pressing the arrow button.

There are dangerous carnivore plants and a big bird who is roaming the caverns, being able to fly as he is. You only have one life in this game.

Tips & Hints

Use the right & left arrow buttons to move Booga-Boo
You can save (S button) and load (A button) the game during play
You can scroll the menu (Start, Help, About, Credits and Exit) by clicking on the white up and down arrows

EDIT: Version 2.4 is available!

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Posted by -Liam- 12th May, 2007

Very nice.
Posted by DaVince 16th May, 2007

Pretty cool, but also difficult. Guess there's a challenge to it.

Hm, it's also obvious on some graphics that they're resized. No problem, but please use a resize filter.
Posted by Simon Czentnár 16th May, 2007

Does the video before the playing run? (the third screenshot is from the intro-video)
Yes, it's very difficult, but you can learn the controlling...
And you can also save during the game with 's' button and load with 'a' button.
Posted by Simon Czentnár 12th June, 2007

Version 1.2 is now avaible!
Posted by Simon Czentnár 11th August, 2007

The version 1.3 is available!

Lots of updates!

Posted by Simon Czentnár 14th August, 2007

Now, the version 1.3 is updated to 2.0 with some corrections because the game is maybe complete...
Posted by Simon Czentnár 14th August, 2007

Now, the version 1.3 is updated to 2.0 with some corrections because the game is maybe complete...
Posted by Simon Czentnár 10th October, 2007

New version: 2.1
(Graphics update)
Posted by Dave S. 29th October, 2007

I liked Bugaboo (the original) but it should have been followed up with more caverns to escape from instead of just the one. The graphics in your program look really nice.
Posted by Simon Czentnár 2nd November, 2007

I made screen shots from the original C64 game and I made a full map of the game. In this new game the level is the original, but of course the game play can be different. (There was a ZX81 game, La Pulga, in this game were really more caverns.)
Thank you for your comment!
Posted by Simon Czentnár 6th November, 2007

New screen shots added! (from the new version)
Posted by Dave S. 16th November, 2007

I still have Bugaboo for the ZX Spectrum... never knew there was a sequel though.
Posted by Simon Czentnár 10th March, 2008

New update! (Version 2.2)
Posted by erghhhhx 11th March, 2008
Rated :

Wow, this is really special. Too bad it's so hard.

I'll rate it after i play some more.
Posted by Zezard 12th March, 2008
Rated :

The graphics are pretty and the animated intro really adds something original to it. The controls are kind of fun, and they sure loads a lot of potential, but...

The game is much too slow for my liking.

It is too easy to die, especially during the time when you are learning to move around. Every time you die you have to watch the death animation, wait for the menu to fade in, switch to the mouse (from the keyboard) to press play, watch some more fading, watch intro or pressing enter (which doesn't save you from more fading), and then wait until you have fallen to the ground before you can load...

My point is that this game gets extreemly boring while the player waits to be able to play again. I think you should try to make a good game rather than try to remake an old one, which obviously had its flaws.

I think you should build a bunch of easier levels (making a learning-curve) before the level presented in this game (which could very well be the last one in my opinion). I also suggest that you see to that the player can return to the save point directly after death.

Of course, it's your game, but I think at least I would find it much more entertaining if you made changes like these.

Three stars for graphics, controls and originality.
Comment edited by Zezard on 3/12/2008
Posted by Zezard 12th March, 2008
Rated :

Oh, btw...
I find your choice of version-numbers kind of confusing.
Since this is version 2.2, then that would mean that this is actually Booga-Boo II and that it (traditionally, with no exceptions as far as I know) is its own game rather than a version of Booga-Boo I.
Posted by columbo borgi :C 12th March, 2008
Rated :

yo there fella ;>
Posted by Simon Czentnár 12th March, 2008

Thanks for the comments

Zezard, you're right, because you really have to wait a lot before playing, but I made the save and load function to continue the game from the saved position if you see that you will die.

About the version number:
I've made before another Booga-Boo remake with KnP, you can find it on this page:
(no comment)

By the way, I'm still making this game. If you write your ideas there, I will advert them. I always find something to correct in the game, for example:
- New ground - this means that I will remake the platforms' graphics. Their shadows are quite awkward.
- The "quick game restart" is also a good idea.
- After the official release of the HWA I will make a new version with better graphics and alpha channels.
Posted by erghhhhx 13th March, 2008
Rated :

Really nice graphics and music, but it's way to hard.
Posted by Simon Czentnár 13th March, 2008

Yes, it is hard, the C64 version was also very hard. Don't give up!
Posted by Simon Czentnár 2nd June, 2008

New update is coming soon!
- fixed code (you can't see but it counts a lot!)
- fixed bugs (!)
- new graphics
- some more correctings
Posted by Simon Czentnár 5th August, 2008

Hey, the new version is available!
Version 2.3!!!
Posted by columbo borgi :C 14th August, 2008
Rated :

I'm glad this gam is in Spotlight.
It requies much more attention.

go download!
Posted by QuaziGNRLnose 15th August, 2008
Rated :

the games alright, but i dont understand how to get past the first layer of shelves, i just keep slipping off as i try to align myself. coupled with the fact that the bird chases WILL get you unless you jump down this game is verging on impossible
Posted by The Chris Street 17th August, 2008

I thought I'd seen this game before at the Clickteam forums quite a few months ago... why have you waited so long to show it here?
Posted by Simon Czentnár 17th August, 2008

I submitted the game on 11th May, 2007, this is only a new update.
And yes, I posted some screen shots about this new version a few months ago in the Clickteam forums.
Posted by Simon Czentnár 21st April, 2009

I'd like to let you know that the new version of the Booga-Boo remake is available. This was my first game with MMF2 by the way and I've been working on it since 2006.

The version 2.4 contains the following changes:
- smaller game size,
- optimal size for music,
- optimal size for animation, smoother animation playing,
- user is allowed to switch between full screen and windowed mode,
- does not require DirectX+VRAM anymore,
- other smaller changes

You can download it from my website:

Thank you very much and any comments are welcome!





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