The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. -NIGHT LIFE-

Author: David Miles Carter Submitted: 2nd September, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 199

Edited By David Miles Carter on 9/4/2007

Edited By Rikus on 9/3/2007

“-Night life-“ is a cartoonishly hip, independent arcade game chronicling the adventures of a fictional J-rock band in Tokyo. The game has a retro 16 bit (my favorite era) breakout/space invaders gameplay style. A punk rock kitty cat, a chain smoking alligator on bass and a hyper bear as the drummer, this three piece musical act rocks their way across the famous Ginza area. “-Night life-“ is very unique and eye catching with it’s innovative concept, distinctive visuals and it’s vibrate and colorful cast of characters.
It’s a charming experience of a game.

You move the band side to side with the mouse, collecting power ups that the enemies drop. The yellow power up is the laser, you can fire the laser with the spacebar.
You also need to fight the bosses by getting a one shot laser power up.

Known bugs:
-Sometimes the musical note will get stuck in a straight right to left or up and down pattern. If this happens you can just hit it back to a normal bounce pattern, or wait about 7 seconds for it bounce back to a normal pattern.
- When fighting the bosses, be sure to only hit them one note at a time, if you happen to collect multiple laser power ups, don’t rapid fire shoot them.

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Posted by TS Team 3rd September, 2007

I smell GOTW =
Posted by Fanotherpg 3rd September, 2007

Nice game DC2 will have again hard enemy to beat in GOTW
Posted by Captivate 3rd September, 2007

Looks great... the graphics are excellent! I will definitely download and check this out.

Is her name "Gennifer Rabbit" or something like that?!!?
Posted by Captivate 3rd September, 2007

Very nice job, sir! I played, I enjoyed, I gave it a thumbs up!

Very nice graphics, fun sound, mostly good game play. Well done!

Posted by steve 3rd September, 2007

The ball/note thing bounces off in the wrong direction (seemingly at random) off the bat/band - not good.

Very nice graphics indeed but without a proper engine it's a thumbs down from me, sorry.
Posted by Cazra 3rd September, 2007

Very nice for a breakout game.

Yay! Japanese gambling!!! Wait...what about the UFO catchers?
Posted by Johnny Look 3rd September, 2007

Smells like GOTW spirit !
Posted by Tropik 3rd September, 2007

Sry, but this game not have a 360 o
Efects is very good. Explosions the best... Adobe after effect?? :>
Posted by alastair john jack 4th September, 2007

I was hoping it would be Black or Doom Metal band
Posted by Lukas Hägg 4th September, 2007

Good game, but not great though.

Basically it's a dressed up version of Breakout and adds little to change that fact. The boss battles is a nice touch. They are, however, boring. During the boss battles there's not a change in pace and there isn't a real challenge. Have the boss attack the guys on the paddle or something, instead of just hanging there being big.

Music has always been a grey area so borrowing music is to a lesser extent fine. But the day of midi's are longpast, yank some mods from

Funny thing, on the beginning on the Disco level a powerup fell down before the level had started. I snatched it and it was a slowdown. When the level started the note didn't move at all
Posted by Corny 4th September, 2007

Yay for the style. I really like the sprites and the overall atmosphere. Gameplay isn't groundbreaking, but a nice Breakout-clone nevertheless. Sometimes, the simple things are the most fun
Posted by AfterStar 4th September, 2007

Breakout clone with very nice cartoonish graphics and atmosphere.

There is a bug with your Bosses and their hidden counter.If you hit them really fast before the animation is over they will bug.
For instance lets say I hit the boss 2 times and I fire really fast 2 more laser shots,the boss will bug(boss becomes invurnerable) and his counter I assume goes to -1 and your sequence says If boss at 0,play death animation,when animation over then continue...
Fix this bug,easily IF Boss HIT and Boss counter NOT at 0 then substract 1.
Posted by David Miles Carter 4th September, 2007

Thank you everyone for the great comments.
I completely forgot to mention the boss freezing bug.
If you get multiple laser shots, only hit the boss one shot at a time. Don't rapid fire shoot the notes.
Posted by DaVince 5th September, 2007

Your artistic skills are obviously better than your coding skills. Nice!
Posted by DaVince 5th September, 2007

Dammit, I just got caught by the rapid firing bug because I only just noticed how space bar fires a thing.




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