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Zan-Zan Episode 3: The Final Hattenation
Author: viva/volt Submitted: 30th November, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 373
134th Place     (4.06 / 5)

Edited By viva/volt on 7/31/2010

The final episode in the Zan-Zan series, for the time being anyway, will this quest see the end of Zan-Zan's quest? Let's see! This episode is approximately 8 times bigger than any other episode, dev tools included as usual.

Hope you all like it, I may have missed some things as it was a hurried release.

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (55)
Posted by Ricky 1st December, 2007

Posted by Dr. James MD 1st December, 2007

Aw, I'm going Liverpool today so I won't get to play this till later

Heyyys. Are these games extension heavy? I'd love to play these on Java on a PSP or whatever
Posted by viva/volt 1st December, 2007

Kinda, this one has:

Active Picture, Advanced Direction Object, Array, Background Gradient Object, Button, Colour Selector, Data Store 2, Edit Box, File, Ini, Layer Object, PMO, String Parser 2, Text Blitter, Tree Control and Window Control.

(Yes copied from the Data Elements window)
Posted by Simon Czentnár 1st December, 2007
Rated :

Very good game, congratulations!
Posted by Simon Czentnár 1st December, 2007
Rated :

Oh sorry, I wanted to rate 5 stars...
Posted by nim 1st December, 2007
Rated :

Right after the sign that says "This way to the Zan-Zan party!!" I moved on to the next screen and fell through 50 blank frames. Is that supposed to happen?

It was great until then, though - nice work
Posted by Tim 1st December, 2007
Rated :

No, that's probably not meant to happen :\ Lol.
Posted by viva/volt 1st December, 2007

lol Nim! I might have to check that one out.
Posted by viva/volt 1st December, 2007

The awful thing is that that was the last map, the very last screen before the ending, and I remember why now I got a BSOD when I was working on it . I'm uploading the fix now.
Posted by Fadex 1st December, 2007

Looks good, I'll download it later.
Posted by Ski 1st December, 2007
Rated :

The thing I like about this game is it makes me want to play it, being cute and knowing I have to reach a goal.


I feel you use way too many enemies, and after a while it feels more like a chore. Sometimes I am SURE the spikes are down and yet they still hurt me... And please, never ever use this camera/scrolling method ever again!

Other than that I liked it
Posted by Tim 1st December, 2007
Rated :

Personally, the game as a whole does get on my nerves a little.. although it's put together well and I love the new shadow thingy Nice ending to the series.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 1st December, 2007

I still can't download it, tried yesterday too...
Posted by Del Duio 1st December, 2007
Rated :

I think a lot of this was good, but yes way too many enemies (especially spikes) in nearly every section of the game.

The graphics are awesome, the little shadow that follows Zan-Zan around was cool, and the map editor to boot!

A couple of problems though:

The game really seemed like one big string towards the end. A bunch of warp spots in a row, a bunch of narrow caves filled with like 20 spikes in a row. It's not fair to compare this with Kyntt Stories I know but with that game every scene you wanted to take in while you were there, regardless of how many enemies were in it. With this game a lot of the areas I just wanted to rush through to get to the end.

And, although I had only 3 presents it said that I found the 5th one (the last one) somewhere. Weird.

I also took the time to read signs in very dangerous places just to see "WHY WOULD YOU READ THIS SIGN HERE!?" for like 3 or 4 of them hahaha.

I don't know about this one, it's well put together for sure but it seems to be lacking somehow. I'll give it a solid 3 but it seems like it could have been better somehow (I know you were rushed, maybe that was why.)

I think you have some awesome skills and could make a killer game with more depth easily using your excellent engine, ideas, and graphic style.
Posted by Dr. James MD 1st December, 2007

I want something like Zan Zan meets that mini-FF game you guys made. But in a massive free-roaming environment!

Make it so! Or not.

*still out*
Posted by Del Duio 1st December, 2007
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I forgot to mention that I like how you made the water too
Posted by Dr. James MD 1st December, 2007

Bluelands you started off in the Redlands on Sam and went to the Bluelands later!
Posted by Ski 1st December, 2007
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hahaha! Aww you have fans James
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 1st December, 2007

I can't get on the site either--maybe because I'm in the US?
Posted by Joshua M. 1st December, 2007
Rated :

Pretty neat game! The amount of spikes got a little annoying in the end though, but it wasn't too bad.
What I found weird is that I had 5 presents, and that I couldn't pass! So in the end I ended up having 6 presents, the sixth being the fifth present~
Posted by viva/volt 1st December, 2007

Thanks everyone, especially for the criticism, I can't really reply directly to you all but most of you are saying the same kinda thing. I'll take it all to heart for the next episod- just kidding >_>

The presents issue is weird, I've run through (oh I don't know) how many times and never had a problem, but then I knew what I wanted me to do

@Guru: Our host IP banned a lot of people a while back, Tim got blocked from his own site, so if you inform Tim he can get in contact with our hosts and sort that out, unless you're a hacker!
Posted by viva/volt 1st December, 2007

Oh and Jimmi! I never got that far in Satan Sam (I sucked SO badly at that games)
Posted by Rikus 1st December, 2007
Rated :

Well Ben you surprised me there, i played it, then I played it some more and i could not stop laying it it really. Its a really fun, cute game, i love the music and sound effects to. Very cool game, good job, 5 stars
Posted by viva/volt 1st December, 2007

Thanks Rikus, glad you liked it
Posted by nim 2nd December, 2007
Rated :

Haha, that bug was literally on the second-last frame. How unlucky for me to have found it! I played through it again anyway.

I had a lot of fun with this series. You combined the exploration of Knytt with the style and atmosphere of .. a super cute low-res platformer. In each episode you fixed some things that people were complaining about (recovery time after being hit) but a couple still remained (camera.) Also, more of an epic finale would have been nice (in other words: a boss). 4 stars!

Well done for finishing all 3 episodes. You're a more committed game creator than I am!
Posted by 2nd December, 2007
Rated :


I did just come down from the top so I'm assuming I should have five presents at that point. I believe the problem was near the start, where there were two signs telling me to 'go this way, then go that way', I must've been playing portal too much because that sounded like a DEATH TRAP of DEATH. Then there were a bunch of huge falls and I thought 'hmm... Maybe I shouldn't have skipped that part.'

Don't just rely on persuasion to make the player go the right way, especially if after going the wrong way you can't go back.

Has to give 3/5 for bad design. I liked it though.
Posted by 2nd December, 2007
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Oh, and I just found the invincibility cheat/debug key. How fun.
Posted by viva/volt 2nd December, 2007

I have one :| I must have forgotten, what is it Phizzy?

Thanks, I realised at the end that I had a design flaw, by making the presents missable in some spots but this was when I was doing final checks about a day before Tim wanted me to release it, so that's my paper thin excuse. Anyway it's done now.

( "DEATH TRAP of DEATH." Made me laugh )
Posted by nim 2nd December, 2007
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I'm pretty sure I got to that wall with 4 presents and was still able to collect the 5th one.
Posted by Tim 2nd December, 2007
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I only said release it because you said you'd done it ¬_¬
Posted by Dr. James MD 2nd December, 2007

That does it I blame Tim, or do I blame Ben...
Posted by DaVince 2nd December, 2007
Rated :

BUG! Move left in level 3.
Posted by ~Zigzag~ 2nd December, 2007

Wah! I can't download!
Posted by ~Zigzag~ 2nd December, 2007


Way to steal things subconciously!
Posted by viva/volt 2nd December, 2007

@Vince: I fixed that yesterday I thought

@ZigZag: Seems to work fine for me, not corrupt or anything and downloads fine. (Try logging out of SN, I can't download while logged in :S)

@Everyone: I did say paper thin >_>
Posted by robin90 2nd December, 2007
Rated :

excellent game

A pity the screen is too slow

I review your game
Posted by ~Zigzag~ 2nd December, 2007

No SN host has my IP blocked, I believe...
Posted by Jake G 3rd December, 2007

I finished the game, he didn't end up finding his hat!
Comment edited by Jake G on 10/5/2012
Posted by viva/volt 3rd December, 2007

He didn't fins his hat ! Oh dear.

@ZigZag: Tell Tim then

@Robin: Thanks (The readme was about the editor not the game >_>
Posted by DaVince 3rd December, 2007
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Posted by viva/volt 3rd December, 2007

Posted by nim 3rd December, 2007
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Comments are never "not applicable".
Posted by Johnny Look 3rd December, 2007
Rated :

Nice little game, too bad there's no saves.
Posted by viva/volt 3rd December, 2007

I thought about that, but it really is a one session game.
Posted by DaVince 4th December, 2007
Rated :

Didn't feel like replying, just rating.

Twas an okay game. Got a little repetitive, though the new stuff was pretty welcome after part 1 and 2.
Posted by Ski 4th December, 2007
Rated :

That's kinda arrogant.
Posted by 5th December, 2007

Not really.
Posted by Airflow 10th December, 2007
Rated :

Zanzan moves slower in this one. It's just as well too, because the level design is harder. The more explorative first two games had an edge this one doesn't. Never or less, it's quite good.
Posted by 7th January, 2008
Rated :

This is cool.
Posted by erghhhhx 13th May, 2009
Rated :

This is sucha pretty game...






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