The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. The Santa Claus Project

The Santa Claus Project
Author: The Chris Street Submitted: 24th December, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 352
187th Place     (3.33 / 5)

Edited By Chris Street on 2/8/2008

Edited By Teh Circy Claus! on 12/26/2007

UPDATED DOWNLOAD: Level 14 Bug Fix and V-Sync enabled.

The concept behind this small game was to create a small experiment to see if people would be willing to contribute levels to something they knew little about. Lots of interest was taken, however, less than half of the people actually submitted anything. Which is absolutely fine.

What you have is a 16-level platformer in which you control Santa. He must kill all the enemies in each level by jumping on their heads. If Santa gets hurt, he loses one of his three lives, but never fear!

If you beat a level, the designer will be revealed, as well as a password to the next level. Type that in on the title screen to access it.

The level designers were:

Jake Greer
Dynamite 422
Krush Brother

Many thanks go out to all who helped with this!

AND NOW!!! IT'S TIME FOR THE PASSWORDS! Each password is in someway relevant to the author or the level!


2. toothdecay
3. germaine
4. iamnotacheese
5. purpleskies
6. springysanta
7. groansaw
8. dominikdiamond
9. circyclaus
10. cinemasnax
11. chockablocka
12. shiverhistimbers
13. boomrocket
14. scarilyhard
15. ovinebydesign
16. insanelynuts

Try not to use them unless you really, really REALLY need to!

Review This Download (578 kkb )

Posted by Ski 24th December, 2007
Rated :

Posted by -Liam- 24th December, 2007

Posted by Dr. James MD 24th December, 2007

Hot biscuit!

I forgot to make levels ----_----
Posted by Silveraura 24th December, 2007
Rated :

Is this just so that whenever you can't beat the level, you're not able to find out who it is, so you can kill them? If so, good plan.
Posted by DaVince 25th December, 2007
Rated :

Fun idea, but I didn't find the game all that fun overall. Plus the music was a bit random.

Nice passwords.
Posted by Attan 25th December, 2007

Simple, and quite fun.
Posted by markno2 25th December, 2007
Rated :

Is V-sync on? I get some strange tearing when the screen is scrolling. :{

EDIT: Fixed by forcing V-sync.
Comment edited by Markno2 on 12/26/2007
Posted by Silveraura 25th December, 2007
Rated :

I was going to suggest turning V-sync on too, because this is an example of a game that wont really lose any performance with it on, and it can only make it look better.
Posted by Fadex 25th December, 2007

Looks fun, reminds me Zone Runner 1 & 2 Image I'll download it... later.
Comment edited by Fadex on 12/25/2007
Posted by Hempuli 25th December, 2007

I hope that Mr. Stump 2 wont have as awful musics as this one.
Posted by Cazra 25th December, 2007
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That's neat how some of the levels are made by different people
Posted by DaVince 25th December, 2007
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V-Sync does not make games look better. It just waits with drawing the next picture until the last one is drawn so you don't see a weird "falling behind with rendering" line in the middle.
Posted by Cazra 25th December, 2007
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There seems to be a missing enemy in level 14. I killed all the enemies, but it thinks there's still one left.
Posted by Zezard 25th December, 2007
Rated :

I think this games difficulty level is disproportional to its loading time. Its ok with games were you die a lot, as long as you don't have to wait to try again.

I understand that it might be a bit hard to assemble levels that were made by many different persons. However, stricter rules or adjustments to the team members work is sometimes needed to achive a good result.

Less loading and more gameplay, says I.
Posted by Ski 25th December, 2007
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This is the best game to this date, simply because I made levels for it. 5 stars.

Also Circy worked hard on this, you scrooges.
Posted by viva/volt 26th December, 2007
Rated :

Nice game, I didn't do particularly well, but nice

Jake made his level at my house >_>
Posted by The Chris Street 26th December, 2007

Sorry guys, yes Level 14 appears to be impassable, uploaded a fix and enabled V-Sync too
Posted by Tropik 26th December, 2007
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In my humble opinion: nothing special... :|
Posted by markno2 26th December, 2007
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The game is nice for Christmas. Do we really need to have the snow effect running for the whole game o__o. It was a bit distracting.
Posted by Cazra 26th December, 2007
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yay! I win!
Posted by Johnny Look 26th December, 2007
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Nice little game
Posted by Johnny Look 26th December, 2007
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fuck I forgot to rate.
Posted by Jake G 26th December, 2007

great game, i love level 3
im not too convinced with the enemies just disappearing once they have been killed, something like in MSD would have been nice. good luck for the next GoTW... whenever it arrives...
Posted by Silveraura 26th December, 2007
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@DaVince: Without this ripping line in the middle, don't you think the game will look better? I would say so... that's what I ment.
Posted by Ricky 28th December, 2007
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The bad guys just disappear when I jump on them. I like it better when they have a death animation
Posted by Ricky 28th December, 2007
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Posted by eyeangle 28th December, 2007
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Posted by Tim 28th December, 2007
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I'm gunna give this a 3/5.
Posted by ThePodunkian 29th December, 2007
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it was actually pretty bland and lacked cohesive game design, especially considering with what we've seen so far of mr. stump 2.
Posted by The Chris Street 30th December, 2007

Fair enough
Posted by Lunar Games 31st December, 2007
Rated :

3.99 rounded to 4.
Posted by Dynamite422 15th January, 2008

yay Im in the credits! Hope you like my level
Posted by Dynamite422 15th January, 2008

Dude I don't even know the password for my own level and cI can't even get passed level 2!
Posted by Dynamite422 15th January, 2008

sorry bout he multi-post. I hope level 14 was my level. Everyone said there were like bugs..
Posted by DaVince 21st January, 2008
Rated :


</sudden unexplained madness>






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