The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Role Playing Game ::. O N Y X

Author: Adrian Clyde Submitted: 2nd March, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Role Playing Game Downloads: 204

Edited By Adrian Clyde on 7/23/2008

Edited By Rikus on 3/2/2008

The game is in modern times, the year 2014. You are playing as Chad Daniels, a rather "moody" teenage boy who, unfortunately, lost his mother to a disease. His father ran out on him, and his Aunt is constantly sick.

Trying to be the best nephew you can be, you help your Aunt out by trying to find her a pillow from your storage room...but...there's someone in your storage room...a little boy.

You ask the little boy to identify himself, but instead, he screams and runs off.

Confused by the weird event, you go check up on your Aunt...but she's gone, and to make matters worse, you begin to hear monstrous sounds coming from your front door. You're saved by an angel, who explains to you that the Kid is actually the "Onyx Boy", the only one who knows the location of the Onyx, and is the object of pursuit by many powerful forces. The angel calls you the "Peditra", the only one who can connect with the Onyx Boy, and destroy the Onyx.

So now you're left with two save the new world of Allumia, which is nearly exactly like your old home...or, find a way back to your own original world. Which one would you choose?

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  (28.88 mkb )

Posted by MBK 2nd March, 2008

All these graphics are ripped right ?

I don't like random pop up battles.

I don't like turn-based sameness unless there's something special about the game.

I don't like playing with text files just for one game cause the text looks like someone smeared it to the point it's difficult to read.

I DO like the humor in this ... like when he gets a running start to kick his aunt in the head to wake her up ... lol .. something tells me he's unwittingly the reason his aunt is sick so much in the first place. He probably rubbed salt in her eyes to try and fix her slight nearsightedness, that's why she's going blind now.

The Story is ok though, but familiar somehow.

I dislike the fade in and out, but that can be ignored.

Nothing special really, but not bad either.

Just another RPG. There's rooms within rooms though, which is good, but should be standard in all rpg's, and usually is.

And it wasn't even made with a Klik product, not that it has to be, but it might help with popularity at TDC a bit.

But, on a closing note, if someone would make some beat-em-ups that played this well, here at TDC, I'd be playing those for sure. This game is just like every other RPG out there though, which isn't a bad thing necessarily, but it's certainly no Ultima or SMRPG or Final Fantasy.
Comment edited by MBK on 3/2/2008
Posted by Silveraura 2nd March, 2008

29MB is a patch for a mainstream game, it's not that big.
Posted by Hempuli 3rd March, 2008
Rated :

Well, RPGmaker 2000 is just SO simple. Nice game, but you should check Legion Saga and the same quality as it has to make your RPG's high quality
Posted by Mr. Waffle 3rd March, 2008

How long is it? I mean, how many hours would you guess it takes to beat it?
Posted by Adrian Clyde 3rd March, 2008

About the font, there is a font folder which font files inside (and instructions). Basically, you take the RM 2000 8 (for high all of them just to be sure) and place them in your window's font folder.

This game is pretty long, anywhere between 20-30 hours. It was my first completed game, finished two years ago. I've improved since, obviously.
Posted by MBK 4th March, 2008

You should try using TGF or MMF. I could help you learn TGF 1 if you want. That's all I use right now.

Posted by Spongeman 26th March, 2008

Ok, I haven't gotten too far. Only to where you get into the basement after unlocking the door. I do have some complaints though. It's obvious you spent more time on the second one, and even though this one was released on the same day (at least I think it is, according to the date) There are some probmatic flaws. First thing I noticed was that the lack of experience you get for killing monsters. I beat some crystal dragon that almost killed my entire group, and I got only 30 xp... WTF!? I could get 28 for killing 4 monkeys, and those guys suck! Another problem is that it took me a while to find the stores. Where the hell were the billboards? A little sign here and there never hurt. Lastly, the zombie boss. Took a long time to kill (which duh.. it's a boss so it will) But after killing it.. you want to know what I got... 25 xp..... WTF!? The crystal dragon that could almost do the same thing, but took less time to kill, was worth more than a BOSS?! I don't know, but so far judging how *fast* I'm leveling up, it will take a long time. I'm not in the mood for level grinding. I belive a game, even RPG's should be paced well enough so you don't have to go BACK and do something for hours on end before progressing through the story.
Posted by Adrian Clyde 3rd April, 2008

Thanks for your comments.

First off, this is my first game, it's also very's about two years old now, and it started over three years ago. My experience with this program was very low, which is reflected in about the first two hours or so this game.

The level issue seem "slow", but in this game, the max level is 50 instead of 99, so the game is balanced around that.

Speaking of which, the first "dungeon" of this game is incredible brutal, and i have no idea what I was thinking when I made it. lol Don't worry, you'll never encounter an area that hard again...or at least not for a while.

Third, this is one of those games that not only gets better as you go along, but also show a CLEAR difference in quality from the beginning and end. Of course the Onyx 2 is much better, but this game has been the most downloaded from websites across.

So in summary...stick with it. If you need any help, don't be afraid to post on the blog or my email:

Or here, of course. Whichever one suits you.
Posted by Fish20 6th April, 2008
Rated :

@MBK Its much more of a drag making an rpg with Tgf or any click product. I almost finished an rpg with RMXP but my computer had to be reset of all its memory. Its much easyier though to make rpgs with rpg maker.





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