The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. DomainFrame 1.0

DomainFrame 1.0
Author: LaraSoft Software Submitted: 16th April, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 267
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By LaraSoft Software on 4/17/2008

The key required by the Welcome Wizard is LARA120

DomainFrame is a brand new revolutionary and intuitive way to manage your website domains. With its multiple database support, securely encrypted databases, integrated WHOIS lookup support, built in backup solution and more... its the right tool for the job. DomainFrame has been heavily tested by professionals and we can happily say that the product can deal with a heavy load. It's completely free too, for both home and business use!

KeepCurrent Installer
DomainFrame is installed using our KeepCurrent installer. Every installation will be up to date immediately. Learn more...

Multiple Database Support
How many databases do you want? 1? 100? You can have as many as you wish, each with separate passwords. Learn more...

Securely Encrypted
Your databases are securely encrypted at all times using strong passwords that you define. Learn more...

WHOIS Lookup Support
Carry out an online WHOIS lookup using either our own providers or customise DomainFrame to use yours. Learn more...

Heavily Customisable
Nearly all aspects of DomainFrame is configurable but don't worry it comes configured right out of the box. Learn more...

Integrated Backup Solution
The included 'Backup Database' and 'Backup and Quit' tools ensure you never lose your data. Learn more...

Automatic Update Checking
Thanks to LaraSoft Update, DomainFrame can check for updates on its own so you never need miss out. Learn more...

DomainFrame and the KeepCurrent installation system have both been written purely using Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer and is the third application I have released. It's purely free for use wherever you like

You must be running Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2003/2008, (if you're that way inclined!). I'm not saying the program won't work on older versions of Windows but I don't officially support them I'm afraid.

Enjoy, please drop me a line or two of feedback letting me know what you think, like, love and hate; it would be much appreciated. Please no 'doesn't do much' comments if you please - I designed this product with one main task in hand. If you wish to suggest new features or improvements however then by all means go for it

Thanks again,
Sean O'Sullivan

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 (1.5 mkb )

Posted by Silveraura 16th April, 2008

I love how it blends seamlessly with Vista. About time people start accepting that it looks decent.
Posted by Flava 17th April, 2008

I might be stupid, but I can't find the free activation key anywhere
Posted by Del Duio 17th April, 2008

Yikes, stuff like this makes me realize just how much I don't know about computers at all.
Posted by DeadmanDines 17th April, 2008

I don't get what it's for? What do you mean by "manage your website domains"?

Is it just a glorified 'favourites' list, or something to handle domains you actually own, or what?

With all the 'heavy load' and 'multiple databases' stuff, I'm just a bit confuzzled as to what this actually does.
Posted by Cazra 17th April, 2008

Is this supposed to be something that lets you establish your own web domain?
Posted by LaraSoft Software 17th April, 2008

@Flava - The key is 'LARA120'

The product was officially going live this Friday but I got a bit keen and fired it up here a tiny bit early... hence the absense of the key on the site.

It will be on the site in a few hours time once I get home

@DeadmanDines - If you have a website domain name then you're also going to have associated data to go with it, for example the nameservers of your host etc. DomainFrame lets you store all this data in one central place and thanks to each domain getting its own record, everything you see is related to that active record.

@Snerlin - taco advocate - DomainFrame doesn't help you establish your own website domain, but it does assist you in keeping track of its expiry date, the nameservers you gave it, who registered it for you etc. If you don't already have a domain name then you'll need to grab one first to make the most of the product.

Oh, and thanks for the front page mention I appreciate that.
Posted by Hill Gigas 17th April, 2008
Rated :

It seems very well made, very professional.
Posted by Zezard 17th April, 2008
Rated :

This looks professional, however, it doesn't seem to support scripting languages like php (only saw something about html and css).
I can't find the activation code, why do you need that for a free version anyway?
I like hardcoding my own systems better than organizers and stuff, but I will not grade it before I'v tried it.
Posted by LaraSoft Software 17th April, 2008

@ Zezard - The code is LARA120. The site currently doesn't have it public as the product isn't due for release until tomorrow; I'll sort this out this evening.
Posted by Zezard 17th April, 2008
Rated :

OK... I have no idea what this program is good for, it seems like an alternative to IEs favourites or FFs bookmarks. Some extra features but also more troublesome to open than those menus in mentioned browsers.
Does it work with FF as well as IE? What exactly do you mean by database, a database would be someting related to mySQL stuff, not some homepage organizer, it's misleading.

Anyway, I'm so impressed with the quality of graphics and layout that it will get a four star. The missing star is for lack of meaning, sorry about that (I do use the full spectrum of grades).
Posted by jared jupiter 17th April, 2008

I love the vista/Norton interface look. Very cool
Posted by LaraSoft Software 17th April, 2008

@Zezard - Thank you for your rating. I'm a bit lost when you're referring to 'does it work with FF as well as IE'? DomainFrame is a standalone product where you can keep records of all the data associated with your domains.

For example in my copy of DomainFrame I have a record for LaraSoft Software. Within that I keep an accurate log of my current name servers, when my domain is due to expire, when I first registered it, control panel and FTP root access information... it doesn't 'plug in' to a web browser; it simply stands on it's own two feet.

@jared jupiter - Thank you for your feedback It's truly appreciated.
Posted by Zezard 17th April, 2008
Rated :

Domain providers usually mail you when the ownership is about to expire. They also keep track on when you first registred. You can't really get access to files on a server with this program, it only sends you to an url.
Posted by erghhhhx 17th April, 2008

I really can't rate this, because this is something I have no use for at all. Still seems very professional.
Posted by Toasty 17th April, 2008

Looks very good, and will be handy for people that have more than say 5 domains to keep track of. I have made a similar application for my job where we have over 200 domains to track. I made mine using PHP. Yours looks very professional.

PS: To those that don't 'get' what this program is used for, then your obviously not going to need it. Domain does not just mean URL.
Posted by DingDong 20th April, 2008
Rated :

Woah this looks the sex! Very professional and useful (like toasty said, if you have a few domains)
Posted by Simon Colmer 21st April, 2008
Rated :

Nice to see it released (been tracking this since the beginning - its only got better!)

Very professional looking - without a doubt! Only owning 1 domain its a bit too complex, but for webservers or mass buying of domains this is a brill app! Top stuff!
Posted by DaVince 21st April, 2008

Nice idea and design! Too bad it's Windows-only.
Posted by PoisonedV 21st April, 2008
Rated :

So pointless.
I have webmaster experience and I know that first of all- there is better software for this, and second, most of the features are rather useless.
Posted by LaraSoft Software 21st April, 2008

Thank you everyone for the continuation of kind feedback. Your words are most appreciated

@PoisonedV - I'm sorry to hear that DomainFrame appears pointless in your eyes, but I am happy to admit that we already have many happy users of this product and who are glad to finally have a place to manage their domains.

Not everyone is going to like a game or a piece of software - this is partly a reason why there are many different products aimed at different niches in the marketplace. I originally created DomainFrame out of a personal need. I got a lot of interest in the product and decided to produce a proper polished product.

I too have webmaster experience and manage a number of domains across a number of sites. To me DomainFrame becomes invaluable, especially when placed on to the likes of a USB Drive, (databases are encrypted in case of theft or it getting lost).

I'm already planning some new bits and pieces for the product and if you can think of anything to suggest then please drop me a line and let me know.

Posted by Zezard 23rd April, 2008
Rated :

What about a feature to add a custom number of contact info to a domain, like eventual admins' mail and phone number?
Posted by LaraSoft Software 24th April, 2008

Hi Zezard,
I am looking into having custom fields added to DomainFrame. I hope this will come out soon as an update.

Thanks for your input
Posted by Zezard 26th April, 2008
Rated :

Doh, I find it kind of strange that you got 12 gotw votes when you only had 5 downloads (whereof 1 download after getting 12 votes). I guess Im just jealous...
Anyway, congrats!
Posted by Johnny Look 26th April, 2008

I'm going to be brutally honest with you: You guies make wonderfull and professional looking applications, yet they are useless. I think it would be great if you invested more time and work in something that would be usefull for more people.
Posted by LaraSoft Software 28th April, 2008

Thank you for the feedback, Johnny Look. We listen to all customer feedback and make updates, changes and feature additions in line with what customers ask for as much as we can but we can never get everyone 100% satisfied all the time.

We've carried out a great deal of R&D and are currently working on our next product which will satisfy a great number of our customers desires. More will become available on this in the near future.

As a small footnote, I'm sorry to hear that you think our software as 'useless', but according to our internal figures, customer feedback and the awards we've received over the years not everyone is in direct agreement with you. A lot of our products are focused towards market niches. I sincerely believe I'd have a hard job walking down a busy high street and find many, many people interested in a domain name management product. However, already we have had a number of emails from IT professionals who are using the tool and love what we've produced
Comment edited by LaraSoft Software on 4/28/2008
Posted by Hill Gigas 28th April, 2008
Rated :

Um, look, you are stretching your credibility a bit. Everyone here wants to be supportive and all, but you can't post on a site then make condescending responses to people making valid criticisms. I think Johnny said what a lot of people were thinking.

Here is reality: If your life was REALLY full of "customer feedback", "R&D", "internal figures", "the awards we've received", and "market niches", then you wouldn't be pitching yourself on independent gaming sites collecting 5 downloads.

Get off the high horse, just a bit. You're a guy who uses a program to make lesser programs with another guy in your freetime from your dayjob.

Welcome to a community of people like you, don't look down on them.

Posted by LaraSoft Software 28th April, 2008

If you must know why DomainFrame was posted here it was purely out of loyalty. This was the first site I came across before starting out and I decided to pop back when I could and to submit whatever we produce as a nod.

There is no 'high horse' here. Am I wrong for using terminology thats not frequently used around here? We have customers and we have feedback. It is as simple as that.

Please look up and see all the responses I have left. I've not said anything out of order. A number of community members have left criticisms but I am allowed to challenge those criticisms. That doesn't mean you guys are wrong though and neither does it make me.

This site is heavy towards freelance indie game production. Not everyone here is going to get excited over an application and less still for the goals DomainFrame has set out to achieve. You can't tell me I'm wrong for using certain terms. I used them in an appropriate context. It's as simple as that.

As I said, there is no high horse. I've responded to feedback and engaged in open conversation about my product. There's no more to it. If this is how I can expect to be tret in the future when releasing products I won't do so here.
Posted by Johnny Look 28th April, 2008

What shroomlock is saying is that you're talking like if you were the representant of a big company like Adobe or something, while the truth is you're just a hobbyist having fun like anyone else in this community.
Posted by LaraSoft Software 28th April, 2008

That may be how I come across to some of you, but I've never claimed any as such. I certainly do have fun with what I do and it is a hobby - that is something you are quite right about I apologize if I've come across too 'corporate' as that was not my intention
Comment edited by LaraSoft Software on 4/28/2008
Posted by JFrudy 28th April, 2008

this looks all complicated and stuff, does it have to do with peeling lemons?
Posted by LaraSoft Software 29th April, 2008

It very well might be. Why not take a look and find out





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