The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Diamond Densetsu Gaiden

Diamond Densetsu Gaiden
Author: »xerus Submitted: 23rd April, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 410
178th Place     (3.56 / 5)

Edited By »xerus on 4/23/2008

Romeo Pie Software Inc. presents a landmark title in the realm of PC Shoot Em Up Bullet Hell games. Take on the role of a lone star fighter on your quest to rid the galaxy of the everlasting symphony of the red diamond.

During a private unveiling of the game in San Francisco this past weekend, reknowned movie critic Roger Ebert purportedly took his hands off the keyboard after just 10 seconds of play and said*, quietly and to no one in particular:

"I’ve heard many arguments for why games are art. This is best one. I am convinced. My hat is off to you, Romeopie."

He then proceeded to cry real tears of joy which, he claimed, “had not touched my cheeks in over 75 years. Since the Great War.” It is not understood exactly which war to which Mr. Ebert was referring, or how he could have cried before he was born, in 1942. However, those in attendance were compelled to believe that he was being genuine with his emotions.

* This is completely false.

(This game was made in 1 day between Derek and I, just for fun! Also the original soundtrack is composed by none other than Derek himself. ENJOY.)

Try clicking this link if it doesnt work below:

If it still doesnt work, copy and paste the address. Sorry about that!

Review This Download
 (6.5 mkb )

Posted by Zoglu 23rd April, 2008
Rated :

The link doesn't work.
Posted by Ski 23rd April, 2008

copy and paste it into the menu bar
Posted by Windybeard Games 23rd April, 2008

looks like Ikaruga, ruined by the splash screen shot though.
Comment edited by Antworx on 4/23/2008
Posted by »xerus 23rd April, 2008

Hm.. why doesnt that link want to work when clicked on? :I
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 23rd April, 2008

Awesome, I love bullet hell games.

Haha, Romeo Pie Soft. I remember that game.
Comment edited by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) on 4/23/2008
Posted by Rikus 23rd April, 2008
Rated :

Xerus it is because of the spaces, if you remove the spaces in the file the link will work. Don't know why it does that.
Posted by Ski 23rd April, 2008

It was okay but I didn't know what the hell was going on, I just shot like crazy
Posted by JustinC 23rd April, 2008

lol hiro
Posted by Hill Gigas 23rd April, 2008
Rated :

I really like the gameplay but there isn't much to the game itself. I'd like to do more than fight a big head. And why is the exe called "Cavestorychronicles.exe"?

Where's the BEEF?
Posted by Joshua M. 24th April, 2008

Hahaha, those screenies remind me of Touhou. Gonna try this out.
Posted by viva/volt 24th April, 2008
Rated :

Haha that was awesome! I usually suck at bullet hell shooters, and this was no exception! I beat the first two stages but the third got me ... Quite nice, and MEGA props for having a company called RomeoPie - that brings back memories.
Posted by Airflow 24th April, 2008
Rated :

lol it's like BulletGBA
Posted by DaVince 24th April, 2008

The download URL contains %2520 thingees. They should be %20 to indicate spaces, that's why the link won't work.
Posted by Zoglu 24th April, 2008
Rated :

It was fun. However I wasn't able to beat it
Posted by Cazra 24th April, 2008

So what does the title translate to?
Posted by erghhhhx 24th April, 2008
Rated :

I really don't get when and why I get hit by the "bullets"... Sometimes they seem harmless and sometimes they hurt me. Kinda' useless.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 24th April, 2008

Cave Story Clone!
Posted by »xerus 24th April, 2008

Toxic Avenger:

I guess you're not familiar with how most shoot em up games work. The hitbox is not the entire ship, but only the red dot you see near the cockpit area. Most shmups like Gradius use a small hitbox on the ship to make the game a little more playable (if the entire ship was the hitbox it would be fairly impossible.)
Posted by Ando 24th April, 2008

Cave Story Clone? Um, not really?

Densetsu = story, or legend (as in "Zeruda no Densetsu": The Legend of Zelda)
Gaiden = side-story

So... Diamond Legend Side-story?
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 24th April, 2008

It's an "in" joke from TIGs man; calm your jets.
Posted by erghhhhx 25th April, 2008
Rated :

Ok Xerus, I'll try it again.
Posted by Ando 25th April, 2008

@Shab: Okay. Gotcha. Well, Snerlin had asked anyway so I figured I'd go ahead and tell.

Anyway, I've now played the game and D:<
The hitbox seems to be much larger than the visual shows... I die in this game far more often than I do in most any other bullet hell game. What's that about, yo?
Posted by »xerus 25th April, 2008

I guess its just too craaaaazay for you! ;o The hit box is the red part of the ship, but the bullets hitboxes are where ever their pixels are (so the rotating bullets can get you if they spin over your hitbox)
Posted by axel 26th April, 2008
Rated :

Heh, this is like the comments section on Youtube. Make any kind of sarcastic or obviously jokeful remark, and you can be 100% sure no-one gets it.

This game is aaaweeesommeee!
Posted by Dr. James MD 27th April, 2008
Rated :

A nice little time waster. The bullet effects are pretty good. Does kinda beg for an online scoreboard! But theres not really much here.
Comment edited by Dr. James on 4/27/2008
Posted by Joshtek 27th April, 2008

Alternative translations: "Supplemental Story of the Legendary Diamond", "Side-quest for the Diamond of Legend", "Spin-off of the Diamond Story" and "Diamond Tale: The Untold Story".
Comment edited by Joshtek on 4/27/2008
Posted by FungalGrowth 4th May, 2008
Rated :

Not a bad effort. I love manic shmups! This would be best developed into a full game. Or with more complex patterns (like bullets firing directly at you like typicial in these types of games)

I don't know about other people, but this suffers from some horrendous slowdown. Probably could be optimised to perform less calculations.

I'd be very keen to see the coding for the bullets. They could possibly have a small tutorial or example to show how this is done. I'm currently developing a manic Shmup along the lines of DodonPachi and would be interested in seeing some different methods for this kind of thing.





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