The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Lost (Demo)

Lost (Demo)
Author: xhedgehogx Submitted: 3rd June, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 159

Edited By xhedgehogx on 6/3/2008

Edited By xhedgehogx on 6/3/2008

Edited By xhedgehogx on 6/3/2008

Edited By xhedgehogx on 6/3/2008

Edited By xhedgehogx on 6/3/2008

Set in a world 50 years in the future, you, Sgt. Arminda Hemmingway become stranded far away from home as a result of a failed mission, in a unknown location, far away from Earth. All you have is your battle armor, weapons, and the will to survive.

Arrow Keys-Move

(Unlock all the weapons by going to options and do all weapons)
1-M16, Automatic Assualt Rifle
2-Magnum, Single shot pistol
3-Ethorean, Alien Assualt Rifle
4-Portal Gun, Molecule Transporter
5-Grenade Launcher, Explosive Weapon
6-Light Sword, Deadly melee weapon
7-Galaxy Cube, Lets you jump higher, run faster

Review This Download (6.75 mkb )

Posted by 3rd June, 2008

Is Matt Fox and Evangaline Lilly in this? What about that fat guy with the long hair who won the lottery?
Posted by xhedgehogx 3rd June, 2008

lol no. at least, not yet
Comment edited by xhedgehogx on 6/3/2008
Posted by Hill Gigas 3rd June, 2008

The engine is decent enough, but a few things really need to be changed before it's a playable game.

As it is now, beating levels will depend on players memorizing where to fall and where not to fall. Almost every ledge is a blind drop. It might drop you on spikes, it might drop you into a bottomless vat of liquid, or it might drop you off a five story building. There's no way to tell whats under you, so you really just have to fall off each ledge and try to remember what happened for next time. Not fun.

Also, the hit detection is WAY off. I could be standing safely on a ledge beside a pit of monsters, and I would still take a hit when the monsters got close to the ledge I was standing on, even when they were at least an arm's length away from me. It's like the players hit box is double the characters size.

Good start, needs work.
Posted by viva/volt 4th June, 2008

Looks like master chief >_>.

Nice work so far but some ideas I'm throwing out there: crouching - hitting the floor aliens shouldn't technically be possible while standing! I thought there had to be crouch but nope. The camera, as shroomlock said, was not helping in the leaps of faith - if you add crouching made the camera descend while you do so the player can look down. The hopping guys AI is a bit manic too, he doesn't feel real at all. Even though it was supposed to be, the level transitions are very sudden and rather off-putting actually.

I understood you were going for the now classic "I'm-a-ragdoll-now-I'm-dead" effect but all my deaths resulted in my gun climbing a wall while shaking and me lying twitching on the floor for 5 seconds until the level restarts. The lighting - while nifty - was rather eye burning in places and the background scenery could use some details.

Though, as shroomlock said, a good start.
Comment edited by »Ben« on 6/4/2008
Posted by Zephni 4th June, 2008
Rated :

~ I think the games pretty atmospheric! yeah there are some buggy bits bit its quite good fun. The alien with that ai i thought was ok, coz it can get to you prety much anywhere you can go.

Im sure one of the hot spots or something is out on one of his running animations.. if you keep tapping left or right his foot will keep going through the floor... not sure why really, it seems like somthing hard to miss when your making a game.
Gdole ragdoll lol. And yeah i kinda agree about the look down thing Ben said.

But! i had fun! 3 1/2 stars! well i can't give you 3 n a half so four will have to do. :s
Posted by xhedgehogx 4th June, 2008

Thank you, guys, I needed some critizism on the game. Everywhere else I posted this, all I get is "good work" and "awesome," which is okay, but I want to know things that I can add or change.

I'll start with things that I cannot do.

-Crouching: I've tried this before, but with three different objects for the player, it just never works out whenever I try it. Which is why the floor aliens will still be killed while standing up.

-Ragdoll and other "physics": The ragdoll was the very first thing I put in the game (before the movement was complete, or even started). The phizix extension is a great extension, but ragdoll is one of the things that "if it isn't too broken, don't try fixing it or it'll be even more broken". I hope that makes sense. And for the weapons...I use a pinball movement on them (with a few events to make them stop), there isn't much more I can do with that.

The ragdoll usually only "twitches" when it is on the moving platform thing (sorry, just got up, so my mind won't let me think of what it's called), or when it falls from a very high height, it is because the "body parts" go into eachother and the collision is trying to push them out, but it cannot.

Hit detection: I can adjust this, but if I do, I'm afraid it will mess things up for the future. But I will look into it.

Now, things I can do (and will most likely be in the next release):

-Camera adjustments: Right now, the camera is always centered on the player. I was thinking of maybe porting the camera for the Sonic Worlds Engine ( )With minor adjustments, obviously because this isn't exactly a sonic game. Like, when Sonic runs and the camera goes to the right, maybe when the player is shooting, make it move. So pressing down or up will make you be able to view your surroundings. I might make the Y resolution a bit bigger if needed as well.

Guard Alien (hopping guy): I agree with the manic AI on this one. I can possibly make him jump less often, or when he needs to (i.e. player jumps, AI won't jump after (or it could be random), player jumps on ledge, AI jumps onto ledge)

The hotspots in the running animation: Easy fix, I can just move the leg up a pixel or whatever it takes. On a related note, something I cannot fix because of the seperate objects making up the player is the torso half of the body moves over one pixel as you tap left or right, it is because the engine is compensating for the movement, if not, it'll look like the torso is trailing behind the legs.

Thank you, again guys for the suggestions. It really helps Image
Comment edited by xhedgehogx on 6/4/2008
Comment edited by xhedgehogx on 6/4/2008
Comment edited by xhedgehogx on 6/4/2008
Comment edited by xhedgehogx on 6/4/2008
Posted by Fish20 4th June, 2008

That is the longest comment ever!!!!
Posted by xhedgehogx 4th June, 2008

It wouldn't have been so long if every time I edited it, it wouldn't make my new line thing antoher line.
Posted by Cecilectomy 4th June, 2008

when editing copy it and edit it in notepad then paste back into comment box. for some reason editing game comments adds [br] tags for every newline. someone should really try and fix that. kinda annoying.

nice game. [insert all others' suggestions here]
Posted by viva/volt 6th June, 2008

"-Crouching: I've tried this before, but with three different objects for the player, it just never works out whenever I try it. Which is why the floor aliens will still be killed while standing up."

I can see what you mean there, it could of course be done but I hate implementing hard stuff too - how about making taller enemies then?

"-Ragdoll and other "physics": The ragdoll was the very first thing I put in the game (before the movement was complete, or even started). The phizix extension is a great extension, but ragdoll is one of the things that "if it isn't too broken, don't try fixing it or it'll be even more broken". I hope that makes sense. And for the weapons...I use a pinball movement on them (with a few events to make them stop), there isn't much more I can do with that.

The ragdoll usually only "twitches" when it is on the moving platform thing (sorry, just got up, so my mind won't let me think of what it's called), or when it falls from a very high height, it is because the "body parts" go into eachother and the collision is trying to push them out, but it cannot."

It wasn't a comment about why it does that, more about why even have ragdoll stuff? I looked at it and thought "That looks wrong" not "That look real!". When you die you could make the limbs explode outwards or something like that.

Anyway - looking forward to the full game. I'm a big fan of platform shooters!
Posted by Toadsanime 8th June, 2008

Looks neat to me, so I'll download it. Tell me when it's finished, 'kay?
Posted by Sweetjuice 19th June, 2008
Rated :

I like the ragdoll think. But i found something else that was odd.
When you stand still the Master chief-like character have no feet, but when you start running you do. That was the first thing i noticed Perhaps the character got feet standing still but you cant see them because of the angle, I dunno.

Anyway looks like a neat game, keep it up




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