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Shipwright master
Author: EtelAttila Submitted: 3rd June, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 267
126th Place     (4.11 / 5)

Edited By EtelAttila on 6/7/2008

Edited By EtelAttila on 6/4/2008

Edited By EtelAttila on 6/4/2008

Hi all!

This game is something like a ship-simulator with a bit of action in some missions. You can design your own ship, try to load the most of the cargo, keep your eyes on shallow areas, and be as fast as you can when pirates are in sight.

Every other information can be found in the tutorial menu.
Thank you for playing,
Good luck!

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 (12,9mb )

Posted by Simon Czentnár 3rd June, 2008
Rated :

It looks very nice!
(Huhú, újabb magyar játék!)
Posted by Simon Czentnár 3rd June, 2008
Rated :

It looks very nice!
(Huhú, újabb magyar játék!)
Posted by xhedgehogx 3rd June, 2008

The simluation is really cool, good job!
Posted by MBK 4th June, 2008

How do I download this ? .... the site is in gibberish.

What language is that ? .. Polish ? .. Swedish ? .. Czech ? .. Iraqi ? ... which is the word meaning "download" ?

Posted by Knudde (Shab) 4th June, 2008

looks like the site has gone over it's download limit. When it's working the name Shipwright is there, just click to download it.
Posted by MBK 4th June, 2008

ok, thanks Shab.

Posted by EtelAttila 4th June, 2008

That was a limited site, I am on to upload it to another one. I have got a free homepage, but it is limited too. Be patient.
Ohh, the site was in Hungarian.
Posted by erghhhhx 4th June, 2008
Rated :

Yea... don't work for me.
Posted by EtelAttila 4th June, 2008

Now you can download it from a new site.
Posted by columbo borgi :C 4th June, 2008
Rated :


i mean, great game dude, i hope we can get in touch in some kind of way
Posted by Simon Czentnár 4th June, 2008
Rated :

You can also try the webspace. One f the best Hungarian hosts. I use it too!

Posted by EtelAttila 4th June, 2008

Thank you Simon. De ha gondolod írhatsz magyarul is.
Posted by Retrever 4th June, 2008

Error: We are currently unable to service your download request, please retry your request in a few minutes or contact support for further assistance. Please report this key to support (acjjxjvxwvg)
Posted by erghhhhx 6th June, 2008
Rated :

Hehe, you use wc2-sounds?

Good game, very wellmade. But it didnt keep my for long.
Posted by alibaba 7th June, 2008

i like the style of it and it is unique but i tried playing on a laptop without a scroll there another key i can use instead for allthese functions?
Posted by EtelAttila 7th June, 2008

I am sorry alibaba, there is no other key to change the parts. I will fix this problem and send you the game to an e-mail, if you like to play.
Posted by alibaba 7th June, 2008

Yes, i would appreciate it if you can make it playable without this scroll wheel - maybe just a left click to change ship parts?thanks
Posted by EtelAttila 7th June, 2008

Here it is alibaba, you can use the left mouse button to change the parts of your ship in the editor screen. Please download the game again, I updated the link. Shipwrightmaster_1.exe
Thank you for playing
Posted by Zoglu 7th June, 2008
Rated :

Well, I finished it once, and I don't think I will play it again to get a better score.

It looks well-made, but there are not many things to do. The "shallow water" event seems useless (nothing happens) and when there's a pirate ship, you only need to leave before it reaches you.

You have had a great idea, and the graphics, sounds and musics are good. That's too bad you couldn't change this idea into a really good game.
Comment edited by Zoglu on 6/7/2008
Posted by s-m-r 8th June, 2008
Rated :

I agree that the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. However, I like the graphics style in the game, and the "letterbox" feel of the presentation. The sound is top-notch, and I like the fact that you can turn off the background music to just let the ambient sounds play.

There is a LOT of room for expansion on this idea. Think in terms of replayability...For example, you can allow the player to choose their own routes, or choose their nationality, create their own flag, etc. and other variables that personalize and customize the game to their liking.

Reminds me of the Age Of Sail series. Might they be an inspiration for you?
Posted by EtelAttila 9th June, 2008

No, my favourite game in this genre was the patrician3. I am planning to make the second part for this game, but I need a lot of comments about the problems to create a really good one. I like to make a map where you can choose different towns to do your businesses (like in the "Patrician" game). Because I like to make something new, I think I will set the game in the world of Vikings. The ship editor engine is ready now, much better than the last, many sounds musics and graphics are collected. I like to see a mix of ship-simulator and role playing game. Ohh, and I have a better "buoyancy" engine too. But this will take more time, because I am working alone. If you have any idea, please write here. Thank you.
Posted by robin90 9th June, 2008
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Nice game you have there. I love the music & the grpahics . BTW, is there a save functions ??
Posted by Zoglu 9th June, 2008
Rated :

"The ship editor engine is ready now, much better than the last"
Oh, I also wanted to tell that's it's hard and annoying to build you ship with the mouse wheel. You should have made menus or something.
Posted by Pixelthief 9th June, 2008
Rated :

this is just about the most relaxing game ive played
Posted by TLawton 11th June, 2008
Rated :

Fun, little challenging, mouse wheel a bit odd, but overall a good game
Posted by t0nad0 11th June, 2008
Rated :

I actually enjoyed this a lot, was a fresh gaming experience and there's a lot of thought into it. Too bad I'm terrible ):





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