The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Puzzle ::. Nemegraphe

Author: Nega Submitted: 18th August, 2008 Favourites:1
Genre: Puzzle Downloads: 463
123rd Place     (4.12 / 5)
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Nega on 8/18/2008

Here is my third game on TDC. I made a beta a year ago and I released it on SFGHQ. After a long test period, v.1.0 seems to work fine so if you like picross/logigraph/nonogram/hanjie games, you will appreciate it !

The aim of the game is simple: fill the board with squares to draw a picture while respecting the numbers situated at the top and to the left of the picture. There are 2 different game modes. In Strict mode, you will lose 50000 points for every bad square filled and every picture can be solved step by step without making a hypothesis. The Free mode is more difficult: your mistakes are not shown and you may have to resort to making an educated hypothesis. The button Test will be then available. When several choices are possible, it will allow you to test one. You can choose when to use it. Whatever the mode is, make nothing at random ! Nemegraphe only uses logic to solve pictures.

There is a editor where you can create your own pictures. Test various tools, and let your imagination do the work. The Connection button allows you to send a picture which you have created to our server. This picture will be studied by our team to maybe include it in a future official pack. You can also set a password to a picture to protect it. Finally, you can also create your own pack.

There is also an online mode where can update the game. Consult it regulary to also download some packs. These packs contain new pictures and sometimes musical and\or visual skins. Packs can be downloaded only if your version is up to date.

Finally, there are various skins and themes that change in every painting so you would not be bored to play.

At this time, there are 80 pictures, that represent about 5 hours of play if you are a veteran.

Sooo, enjoy !

Official website of the game:

( this website is under construction. I would be more than happy if someone could check english mistakes and sentences. I will add this person in the credits of course )

As you can see, I'm french

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Posted by Rikus 18th August, 2008

mnmm the screenshots are not workin, if you can fix that we can put it on the site
Posted by Nega 18th August, 2008

I've reuploaded screenshots...I have some problems with this free hosting service :/
Posted by The Chris Street 18th August, 2008

Would be better if you could describe the game here before we accept - even though you've provided a link, a lot of people won't bother with it. So please improve the description and it'll be accepted
Posted by Nega 18th August, 2008

hum...sorry about that. I just hope that they will not be bored to read the same things here, in the website and inside the game because you can't skip the tut, but rules are rules
Comment edited by Nega on 8/18/2008
Posted by Cecilectomy 20th August, 2008
Rated :

wow. thats a very impressive puzzle game.

love the style, graphics, and music. i love puzzle games so im sure this will stay on my hard drive Image

edit: this is the kinda stuff portables need! i wish this was on my ipod
Comment edited by just cecil on 8/20/2008
Posted by jbjovi 20th August, 2008
Rated :

Really good job done here but I have found a bug. I play in strict mode and sometimes, numbers aren't acting right (hope you'll understand what I mean, I'm french... as you I think). We can always complete a puzzle, but it makes it really difficult as we can't count on them to help.

Another thing, there are some english errors during tutorial (I understand and read it better than I talk/write it... as for french ! Image )

Last thing, no way to add full screen mode ?
Comment edited by jbjovi on 8/20/2008
Posted by Nega 20th August, 2008

Thanks for your comments. I've just seen this bug and now it is corrected ( on the contrary case, can you show me what picture is concerned ? ). So if you had downloaded the game before this comment, you can download it again, or you can wait for the next update.

By the way, Can you write here what sentences are wrong ? ( although the tut was translated by an english ). And I can't add a full screen mode because you noticed that the screen's dimensions are often changing.
Comment edited by Nega on 8/20/2008
Posted by Cecilectomy 20th August, 2008
Rated :

resize screen to fit
Posted by jbjovi 20th August, 2008
Rated :

Just redownloaded the game but still same problem. Let me give you an example :

You have a line like 1 2 1 1

If you find the first 1 on the right, that's the 1 on the left that become gray.

Another problem is that sometimes, if you haven't find all the box on a line (if there's only one left to find I think), all the numbers became gray.

Sorry for all of this but this game has potential to become as good as PicrossDS. The only things missing is a little animation of the completed puzzle, but who really care about that ?
Another thing I've just find is that when you quit the game and restart it, the game doesn't seem to keep memories of the downloaded puzzles.

Comment edited by jbjovi on 8/20/2008
Comment edited by jbjovi on 8/20/2008
Posted by Toadsanime 20th August, 2008

The game looks and sounds excellent. Unfortunately, I'm not so good at games like this, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to be very successful at it. However, I'm more than willing to give this a shot.

And, just so you know, you seem to speak better English than even some of the English people on TDC.
Posted by Nega 20th August, 2008

It's quite all right, jbjovi, I need comments like this to improve the game. About the first bug, it is due to a missing function of MMF2 ( I can't select an object with the minimum value A. Of course, I can make a function which return this value but it would be unconfortable to use and it might causes slowdown ), so actually it is just random. But I will try to improve this later. About the other bugs, I'm surprised because it never occured during beta testing, contrary to the previous thing. ( maybe you have forgotten to extract the game... )

I've chosen to not handle final animations because it takes time to draw them, especially when you're not an artist Image . Moreover, I think you noticed that every picture represents only one file ( table + painting + informations about the picture ) so it is easier to share them.
Comment edited by Nega on 8/20/2008
Posted by jbjovi 20th August, 2008
Rated :

I have extracted the game properly. I will try it again. The strangest thing is that I have the puzzle packages in the folder game. It just seems that the game doesn't see it. I have tried to delete all the downloaded folder (in puzzles). But the game do not allow me to redownload them (they don't appear on the list). I will download the game again and see if the problem reappear.

EDIT : I have retryed with a fresh new download, and the disappearing problem's now gone. Probably a problem when I have "updated" the game manually.

Anyway, thanks for the great job. Hope to find a lot of new downloadable new puzzles soon.
Comment edited by jbjovi on 8/20/2008
Posted by Mr_Tom 21st August, 2008
Rated :

very good work.
Posted by Foo Fighter 23rd August, 2008
Rated :

gotw vote
Posted by Zoglu 24th August, 2008
Rated :

Great and well-coded game. Congratulations ! I'm looking forward to Online and Maniac Mode !

Only one thing : completed lines could be automatically filled with crosses.
Comment edited by Zoglu on 8/24/2008
Posted by T!m 26th August, 2008

you got my vote. easily deserving of gotw.
Posted by DaVince 1st September, 2008
Rated :

I've seen this kind of game before... It's nice and a fun play. Hoping to see plenty of custom graphs soon!

Btw, it would be nice if there was an online graphs browser inside the app itself, to be able to download official/user-made graphs straight from the app.
Posted by Zoglu 2nd September, 2008
Rated :

It's the "online mode"
Posted by DaVince 3rd September, 2008
Rated :

I didn't even notice! Awesome!
Posted by DaVince 3rd September, 2008
Rated :

Btw, "edition mode" should be "editor mode", since an edition is a special kind of release of something (I guess, see "Windows 98 Second Edition").
Posted by Skelux 17th February, 2009
Rated :

Sice im such a big picross fan, 5 stars automatically . And i love the game of course.
Posted by Skelux 17th February, 2009
Rated :

Forgot to rate
Posted by Skelux 17th February, 2009
Rated :

Aghhh!!!! What happened?! I selected 5 stars and it turned into 0!!!!
Posted by Skelux 17th February, 2009
Rated :

Im so ashamed
Posted by Nega 13th March, 2009

don't worry about that. Anyway, thanks. The game is not dead: I will update it in a few months.
Posted by Emerson 12th August, 2009
Rated :

I played the SAGE 2009 version. It's a good game. But i'm sad to see that there aren't any more packs than the first 80 puzzles...
I created a pack and uploaded it. If i did it right, all i have to do is to wait, right?
Good luck with the project. I'm waiting for the "Maniac Mode"!
Posted by Emerson 15th August, 2009
Rated :

I tried to hack my puzzles into the game, and found out that the black color i used for the images turns transparent in-game! DX
You should create a tutorial file for creating puzzles, Nega...
Posted by Nega 26th August, 2009

I've just played your pack and it's very impressive, congrats
There are 100 puzzles right now ( with SAGE pack ) and it will be 120 with your pack ^^
Be careful if you hack the system, you might not be able to download your own puzzles
Thanks for support





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