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Rivalry: purge chronicles
Author: sunraider3 Submitted: 15th October, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Abandoned Downloads: 309

Edited By sunraider3 on 2/2/2009

purge chronicles

Rivalry-PC is a free open source FPS project by Sunraider Studios. it is based on the comic book series Rivalry.

Rivalry-PC is still in production, it is made with the Gstudio A7 engine. at this point it includes:

-Classic FPS style gameplay
-Level Editor powered by A7

-'''Weapon set:'''
-M9 pistol.
-Micro Uzi.
-Minature Laser Pistol.
-Barrett .50 cal. (M82)

-at this point there are only 3 different enemys.
-AI has numberous Bugs.
-partially finished maps.
-and incompletete menu sytem.

soon a playable demo will be released. but until then im working on it.

i did this using 3d gamestudio A7. i have been spending most of my time on the weapon models. i will post some more tests a bit later i be sure to make them a little more playable

---if anyone has any suggestions PLEASE POST THEM! this includes any weapons or enemies you would like to seein the final version!

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Posted by -Athan- 19th October, 2008

cool, but i thought you made this in mmf
Posted by Marko 19th October, 2008

That 3D Game Studio thing looks cool, almost like someone decided to make a MMF3D-style game designing program.... {pondering}
Posted by -Athan- 19th October, 2008

it would be cool

Posted by Knudde (Shab) 19th October, 2008

3d Game Studio is actually a 3d engine, much like you would license from id or another company. It requires C scripting, but it is very flexible. It can't match the newer engines in terms of prettiness, but anything that powerful would likely be too much for a single person or a small group to use effectively.

I think I've got GStudio5. Started using it, went back to MMF2.
Posted by sunraider3 20th October, 2008

have any of you had a problem in the game, i think there may be a programming glitch because whenever my bullet misses an AI by a little an error appears. ):
Posted by Indigo Steel Shield 21st October, 2008

3D Game Studio is in fact a full game creation program that has a 3D engine. It includes a model maker, like Blender, and a world creator. It does require scripting but there is another program that enables you to make games without any scripting. It is called Intense-I. Its site is With this program, you can make game with 3D Game Studio without writing a line of code.

By the way, I have not been able to get inside the fort. What am I doing wrong?
Posted by sunraider3 21st October, 2008

i apologize Indago, i whipped this level together in a matter of minutes and its incredibly horribly made but im working on a better one. (btw i find that if you walk towards the way then keep jumping while pressing forward you can scale the wall)
Posted by surpreme ruler of castlevania.....JRP#3000 26th October, 2008
Rated :

AWESOME!!!! dude bloody awesome!!





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