The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Racing ::. Direction Improved

Direction: Improved
Author: Mikołaj G. Submitted: 21st December, 2008 Favourites:1
Genre: Racing Downloads: 358

Create your own maps and play on created ones! Beat your last scores while driving a car on a various maps and try to be better than your friends! Use your imagination and edit tracks or make a new ones. And remember - your car never stops!

Screens are made in Polish Version. But here, you can find english one.
-- by mikpol0.

Review This Download (2,61 mb )

Posted by Kazuma 22nd December, 2008
Rated :

First download! Makes me feel special.

It's not a bad idea. My only real complaint about this is the main menu is annoying. Especially for me, whose mouse is so old it double clicks when it wants.

It's a simple little game that will waste a few minutes. It doesn't seem like more than that.






Worth A Click