The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Paint ((In Stereo))

Paint ((In Stereo))
Author: mojofltr Submitted: 26th December, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 255

Edited By fojomrtl on 12/27/2008

Paint ((In Stereo)) is a simple paint program that allows a user to make a 3D stereovision drawing.

How it works:

While the user draws on the left canvas, a duplicate drawing is being made on the right canvas. When the user manipulates the distance between the two drawings (via the Depth Slidebar), the stereovision illusion is created.

How to view your drawing:

This is a bit more complicated to explain.

Cross your eyes to merge the two pictures into one (Now it will look like there are three pictures, but only the one in the middle will be clear and in 3D).

If you are unable to see the hidden objects in magic eye posters, then you will probably struggle to see a picture in stereovision. It can take a little bit of practice to be able to control your eyes effortlessly. Also, it is absolutely crucial that you have two seeing eyes for the effect to work.

An explanation of the tools and options can be found in the readme.txt in the file archive.


.001e with mouse wheel support and a few other tweaks.

Review This Download (635 kkb )

Posted by Pariah Leviticus 28th December, 2008
Rated :

Dude, what a great idea. I'm downloading right now then I'll rate. Again, cool idea.
Posted by Pariah Leviticus 28th December, 2008
Rated :

What a great little program, fojomrtl. Very simple. Fairly easy to understand; though I think it could benefit from tool tips. Also the nice clean unobtrusive interface is very nice. The effect is much easier to see than the magic eye pictures, and looks really nice. Your sample files are a neat and very welcome inclusion. I give you four of five stars not because I think the program lacks anything, but because I would love to see more, and I stress that these are just my own little ideas, not problems that the program has. Perhaps a few more common drawing tools, and a fuller pallet or colors. Another thing I thought would be really cool would be the ability to draw your layers in whatever color, and then choose to see the normal version or have the computer automatically generate a red-side/blue-side anaglyph version. It would also be cool to have simple animation controls though probably beyond the span or the project. That's just my own little dream. Anyway, I just want to say again what a great little program this is and really, when you look at the incredibly small size (only 635kb) you can really appreciate what a great job you did, fojomrtl. Good one.
Comment edited by Pariah Leviticus on 12/28/2008

Hate to keep editing this post but I wanted to add that I just found/figured out how you can also put your own pictures in to trace which makes this so much cooler. Really great!
Comment edited by Pariah Leviticus on 12/28/2008
Posted by mojofltr 28th December, 2008

Thanks for your comments and suggestions!

When I get myself a pair of red/blue 3D glasses, I will implement anaglyph output.

I would like to incorporate more options - perhaps a shape tool, a larger color pallete, etc. Of course, it will depend on how long I remain interested in the project - I have the attention span of a tick!

I started the project on the 24th, so it is still fairly young and I'd imagine there are plenty of things that could be done to make it better.


Today I threw together a small demo to see how the stereo effect might work in a platform game. Here is the result:

Comment edited by fojomrtl on 12/28/2008
Posted by Assault Andy 29th December, 2008
Rated :

That is beautiful! My eyes hurt now, but it works so well! Well done man.
Posted by erghhhhx 30th December, 2008

I'm sure this is cool, but I'm afraid I don't get it... =/
Posted by Pariah Leviticus 31st December, 2008
Rated :

Nice! I like the demo platform. That is really cool. It's hard(ish) but really cool.
Posted by UrbanMonk 1st January, 2009
Rated :

It'd be cool if you made a 3d star field with this effect, anyway its pretty cool so far
Posted by Rox Flame 7th January, 2009

Hmm, looks like you've set it up so that you cross your eyes rather than converging them (as per normal magic eye)... Still great though.





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