The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Orbs (Mini game comp entry)

Orbs (Mini game comp entry)
Author: Dynamite Submitted: 7th February, 2009 Favourites:1
Genre: Retro Downloads: 250

Edited By Flava on 2/7/2009

Edited By Rikus on 2/7/2009

Edited By Rikus on 2/7/2009

This is a 3 hour late Mini Compo entry
I spent 1 whole day working on this.

I got inspired by a game called Osmos, which is reallyyyy good!
I stole some music and sounds from that as well

The aim of the game is to become the biggest orb. You can absorb smaller orbs to become bigger, but watch out for bigger ones! They can also absorb you!

You use the mouse to navigate the Blue Orb.
The Mouse wheel (or the left and right mouse buttons) are to zoom IN or OUT. Bigger Orbs have a darker colour then the smaller orbs, so don't get confused!

There is no point in this game, there are only 3 frames and it gets really boring. Just thought I'd let you know

Review This Download (2.80 mkb )

Posted by UrbanMonk 7th February, 2009
Rated :

Reminds me of flow on the psp.

Fun game!
Posted by stevey123 9th February, 2009

Good game.
It reminds me of the mobile phone version of spore.
Posted by Zezard 10th February, 2009
Rated :

Very good looking, very short entertainment, very randomly possible to finish a level.
Posted by Marko 28th June, 2009
Rated :

Not bad. Not great, but not bad. The gameplay needed expanding upon somehow and the different maps were not actually that much different. The frame-rate sucked too and spoilt the tranquil music. Would like to play a more complete and polished version of this game.
Posted by TheBobbinator 3rd August, 2009
Rated :

for one day this is amazing, the grapihcs were mind blowing!

Keep up the good short work





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