The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. ball name

ball name
Author: xrat Submitted: 23rd April, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 122

Edited By xrat on 4/25/2009

ball name
you play as a ball with a name
he is searching for treasure LOST treasure!
on his journey through 3 levels he will face perils and lots of LOST treasure
to build atmosphere ball name has 4 mystifying music tracks
so will you be able to find the LOST gold?
also to help you find the LOST gold find two secret letters in each level one is unlocked by collecting all the gold the other is hidden somewhere in the level these letters are key to finding the LOST gold


shift to jump
r to restart
arrow keys to move

also treasure and LOST treasure are very shiny so watch out

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Review This Download (3.2 mkb )

Posted by AndyUK 25th April, 2009
Rated :

The link doesn't seen to work. Ive tried about 4 times over 2 days to download it.
I'll try the game if you re upload it.
Posted by xrat 25th April, 2009

try this
Posted by AndyUK 26th April, 2009
Rated :

Ok that one works.

What an unusual game. It has a very strange atmosphere, it's a little unsettling actually.
The graphics are fairly well drawn but it's all a bit empty visually.
The gameplay however is not great at all. Maybe i'm just fed up with collecting stuff in games. Well thats not all there is to the problem. Touching the very very bottom of a spring launches you into the air, which seems lazy, and can get a bit annoying when you want to avoid them. Invisible barriers appear all over the place and i just dissapeared when i walked into the SIDE of a spike.
Yes once again the side spike bug. honestly a visual indication of the fact it hurts from the sides would help. Like making it a star shape or something...
You get no enjoyment from successfully completing a level it seems to just happen.

I didn't like this much but it's... ok i guess, I just prefer to play better games.





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