The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Abandoned ::. Super Mario World [Open Source] ABANDONED

Super Mario World [Open Source] ABANDONED
Author: Jess Bowers Submitted: 29th May, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Abandoned Downloads: 621

Edited By Jess Bowers on 5/29/2009


Okay, there are a number of WARNINGS and DISCLAIMERS that I should make clear about this download:

1. First, this is UNFINISHED and ABANDONED. That means it is not a complete game and contains a slew of bugs that will never be fixed.

2. This is OPEN SOURCE. As a matter of fact, that's all it is as an executable is not included. It is open source in the hopes that someone might find something useful in the code.

3. This project began as a way for me to better understand Custom Platform Movement (CPM) engines for MMF2 (i.e. walking, running, moving platforms, ladders, springs, etc.). The Super Mario World graphics and features were included as a way to make it more interesting.

4. Most of the Super Mario World features (powerups, enemies, etc.) were developed by Ross McKisseth. He's a very talented guy and deserves credit for his work.

5. I haven't lost interest in Custom Platform Movement (engines). Rather than continue with this SMW projct, I've decided to insert my own graphics and extend the engine with more features (which aren't available in SMW). You can see the latest build of that engine if you check my projects page).

6. The Custom Platform Movement is pretty good but the Overworld example (Yoshi's Island) is just horrible. I don't know a thing about path movement. I tried (unsuccessfully) several times to get it to work but finally just gave up. I think this particular build has ball movement for the sprite in the overworld example (which doesn't work either). So, I guess what I'm trying to say here is - THROW OUT the code in the Overworld frame and JUST look at the code in the LEVEL 1-1 frame.

7. I am pretty happy with the ripped graphics (as strange as that may sound). I didn't rip them all, but I did rip all of the Overworld graphics. I think the end product looks almost exactly like the original game (animation-wise).

8. If you want to pick this up and continue of with it - MORE POWER TO YOU! I am soley focused on the other engine at this point and won't be coming back to this one. If you get anywhere with it - please let me know. I'd love to see what someone does with it.

Good luck!

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Posted by Knockturnal 29th May, 2009

Why don't just use a emulator and a rom if you're going to play SMW on a pc? I know you did it for the custom movement but why bother ripping a million sprites?? I like it though, i've never been able to make a super mario game.
Comment edited by Black Jaguar on 5/29/2009
Posted by Zephni 29th May, 2009
Rated :

i like it. but it is very buggy. alough you do state that in the description so yeah its good for what it is. And btw i like your codeing style, is very efficiant. Also little things like haveing the detectors as big fat of objects so you can see what they are, and then in game they turn to the correct size. Also how you use objects for just holding varables for different things like "when crouching is = 1", I do things like that aswell.

Anyway, it runs a bit slow on my computer for some reason, but apart from that its good bar the bugs. Maybe some1 else will snatch it up and make a whole mario engine out of it, but its hard picking up some1's work after theyve left off.

4 stars. This isnt for graphics, its for programming efficiancy and style. Also the engine is done quite well and it gave me some inspiration =D
Posted by Rikus 30th May, 2009

4 stars for programming, my goodness i actually played this longer then i tought I would!
Posted by AndyUK 3rd June, 2009

this is very good. It would take a lot of tweaking to make it completely accurate but it's very close right now.
Good work.
Posted by zonacas 28th June, 2009
Rated :

Posted by jadonhorn 8th July, 2009
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