The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. The Underside (Preview 3)

The Underside (Preview 3)
Author: ThePodunkian Submitted: 29th June, 2009 Favourites:10
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 421
58th Place     (4.5 / 5)

Edited By ThePodunkian on 6/29/2009

Edited By ThePodunkian on 6/29/2009

Edited By ThePodunkian on 6/29/2009

the underside is an exploration based action platformer in the vein of games like castlevania, metroid, and cave story. however, unlike most other games in this genre, the gameplay is driven more by plot than by free-roaming exploration (though the world is fully explorable).

this is the third preview -- which includes fixes for windows vista support, as well as an all new section of the game. also included are two mini-mods, as well as the level editor.

please post all bug reports here:

windows vista users: run the game in windows 95 mode!

i've patched the game. if your game directory does not contain a file called "patched.txt", please download the patch (it's on the download page)!

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 (7.75 mkb )

Posted by Muz 29th June, 2009
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Yay, underside!
Posted by Jon C-B 29th June, 2009
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Posted by DMT 29th June, 2009

Is it an installer?
Posted by Spitznagl 29th June, 2009
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It crashes for me when entering the first door (in the frame with the mole)
Am I the only one who can't play it?

The new gfx are awesome, but from the little I've played, I can already say that I prefered the dialogue not extended.
Posted by Jon Lambert 29th June, 2009

It isn't an installer. Also, I crashed too. I like the dialogue.
Posted by Ski 29th June, 2009
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Just got the bazooka
Posted by ThePodunkian 29th June, 2009

spitznagl -- try running in win 95 mode
Posted by UrbanMonk 29th June, 2009
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Very cool updates, I've played to duncans house and I'm liking it so far!
Posted by Spitznagl 29th June, 2009
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Goot job on the "rocket bears" AI
Posted by SupaStix 30th June, 2009
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This is way better than the last two previews! Keep up the great work!
Comment edited by SupaStix on 6/30/2009
Posted by Jon Lambert 30th June, 2009

Is there any way I can move the file from the unpatched version to the patched version?
Posted by Carlguy (HTL) 30th June, 2009

Dude this is really well made but looks a LOT like Cave story (which is a great game so probaley not even a bad thing)
Posted by Jon Lambert 30th June, 2009

I downloaded the patched version and moved the save files over, but even before that it doesn't do anything after the Insignificant Studios logo comes up.
Posted by easyname 30th June, 2009
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Been looking forward to the next preview for a while

And now I can finally play mods
Comment edited by easyname on 6/30/2009
Posted by Jon C-B 1st July, 2009
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It's weird but in the mod player, I select the mod then press enter and it closes and the mod doesn't play. What's the matter?
Posted by X_Sheep 1st July, 2009

I notice a lot of Earthbound influence in the music, particularly the Johnny what's-his-face theme and the hotel room.
Posted by --Tom-- 2nd July, 2009
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I get some pretty major pokemon vibes playing this game.
Posted by Codemonkey 2nd July, 2009

Love the balrog ripoff!
Posted by Zephni 4th July, 2009

Whers the Balrog ripoff?
Posted by Willy C 7th July, 2009
Rated :

This is awesome!

Please accept my humble constructive criticism and add gamepad capability, my petty mind keeps screwing up the controls
Posted by Leander Leitner 7th July, 2009

Wow, this preview is simply great! Nice graphics, nice story and I love your puns and other funny ideas.
Posted by W3R3W00F 7th July, 2009
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Eh, it's pretty fun. I would've been abit more willing to play further if it had it's own art style tho.
Posted by ThePodunkian 7th July, 2009

Willy C -- edit config.ini :^)
Posted by Willy C 7th July, 2009
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^ Ah, too late now, I just finished it

Still, I tried connecting my gamepad and I couldn't move. I dunno, maybe I have to activate it somehow? I guess I'll just worry about that in "preview 4".
Posted by Noby 9th July, 2009
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Posted by Blue66 9th July, 2009
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I can imagine the hard work that went into this, and I'm sorry to say this, but this game is just a total Cave Story ripoff.

Literally EVERYTHING has been taken from Pixels work. The whole graphic style, the music, the sound fx, the cave-like theme of the game, even some doodad graphics look identical. Pressing down to enter doors? I only know one game where you have to do that... the controls, the little numbers that appear when you attack enemies, the animation of the main character is identical, the look and feel of the weapons, even right down to the freaking transition effects between frames!! And you even stole the first notes of the Cave Story "Cave music" theme!! Man that's embarrassing...

Inspiration is one thing, but you should be ashamed because this is just unimaginative stealing.
Comment edited by Blue66 on 7/9/2009
Posted by easyname 9th July, 2009
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Everyone got over that a long time ago.
Posted by Pixelthief 9th July, 2009
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yea i think thats intentional at this point
its still a great game
Posted by easyname 10th July, 2009
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I just listened to both cave themes, and they're both completely different, apart from the fact they both start with drums (Different drum beats btw). Also, the main character animations are NOT identical. in fact, the style of the main characters are completely different too.

The story is also completely different, the character controls a lot differently, Z and X are actually pretty common and changing them just because it's similar to cave story would be pretty stupid really.

Either way, rating it a 1 purely based on similarities to another game isn't really necessary. Rate the game based on how fun it is to play, not how much it's similar to another really great game (Which can never really be a bad thing anyway).
Comment edited by easyname on 7/10/2009
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 10th July, 2009
Rated :

This is great...(and yes, the beginning of that song DOES sound like one of the Cave Story incidental songs, but big deal...)

However, a couple of things that could make it better:

1) The coins are kind of hard to see. It'd be good to make them a bit bigger, or perhaps less desaturated.

2) It doesn't really makes "sense" that some of these levels are floating in space. Where's the surrounding rock that's holding them together?

Also, once I got into Underside city, thing got really, really weird. Like, nonsensical.

But great job with the engine and animations, and the cannons are really fun.
Posted by AndyUK 10th July, 2009

All I can say at this point is that I'm looking forward to the full game.
The only issue I could see is that the coins disappear so fast it's almost impossible to collect them all sometimes.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 11th July, 2009
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And the Sodom and Gomorrah backstory is kind of morbid for the lightheartedness of the rest of the game...
Posted by Introversity 12th July, 2009
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Just got the "Cracked Bat". Brilliant!
Posted by Gobushi San 12th July, 2009
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Posted by Asholay 12th July, 2009
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Fantastic game with superb humour - especially the "you'll be coming past this sign again" bit.

Agree - the coins need to last a bit longer; and a map would be nice
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 12th July, 2009
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I'm totally stuck-- I beat Al Buzzdrin (?), and now I'm going in circles. I get to the point with the switch that turns on "distant machinations", but then I end up going through the same four maps or so in a big circle. Any help?
Posted by easyname 13th July, 2009
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Turn on machications, the go left instead of right at the bit after the journal+burger (to the right is the switch, to the left is the mechanisms it turns on)
Posted by Pixelthief 13th July, 2009
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Yes its created in MMF2, heavily using lua scripting
Comment edited by Pixelthief on 7/13/2009
Posted by Asholay 13th July, 2009
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Yeah - I got a little stuck there too Guru... thankfully the save points are nicely spaced!
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 13th July, 2009
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Do you mean go to the room with the two floating platforms, easyname? Because I can't strong-arm my way through those blocks!
Posted by UrbanMonk 13th July, 2009
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I think I've seen everything in this nice demo!

Awesome work.
And making it so similar to Cave Story is a good thing!
Posted by ThePodunkian 15th July, 2009

@pixeltheif -- the lua scripting is only used for cutscenes/dialogue segments. the rest of it is is done in MMF natively (^:
Posted by Pixelthief 15th July, 2009
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Taking one look at your scripts folder I think it qualifies as *heavily*
Posted by Jon C-B 18th July, 2009
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I've met climber joe and I have the third arm. What now?
Posted by Resident-Pyromaniac 1st February, 2011
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This Game is amazing. and although it bears resemblance to CS, it's not. It can stand on it's own two dog/cat/thing feet, and would be just as awesome if CS didn't exist. keep it up!





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