yeah i know the fuel is running out quickly but... you can go throu the levels only if you takes fuel its very hard ... no the flag is not an ''extra fuel powerup''... its only whit the backround
My guess, is that you've made the fuel consumption using an "every <time>" event, and the movement using an "always" event (or built-in movement), or something like that.
My old computer probably can't maintain the ideal framerate while scrolling the screen, so the helicopter moves slower than it should, but the fuel level keeps going down at the normal speed - making it unplayable.
It was okay; the graphics were not good, but fitted the game well. The gameplay was alright and acually playable, but dying was a pain as you had to keep going back to the menu and had to watch the helicopter take off again - this got a little tedious after the first time and put me off playing the game sooner than it should have.