The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. I S L A N D

Author: Joee Submitted: 23rd December, 2009 Favourites:3
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 478

Edited By Joee on 5/29/2010

Edited By Joee on 5/29/2010

Edited By Joee on 1/29/2010

Edited By Joee on 12/25/2009

I S L A N D is a comedy adventure about a young man named Benji Rosenbloom who crash lands on a desert island and is the sole survivor of his crash. He soon discovers that the island is home to a group of natives and also to a group of survivors of another crash (more precisely: a shipwreck). Benji befriends both groups, but makes enemies of a group of pirates who roam the island, and a man named Charles Cune, the wealthy billionaire employer of the shipwreck survivors. Taking the role of Benji, the player must find a way off the island whilst in the process uncovering a series of mysteries concerning the island.

I S L A N D is a point-and-click graphical adventure game in which the player must interact with people and objects in the game environment to solve a series of puzzles in order to progress the story.

Inspiration for the game partially comes from the Monkey Island series and the TV drama 'Lost', though without going down the supernatural route that both series go. One of the main aims in making this game was to explore how a story of crash survivors on an island which holds secrets could develop without the supernatural elements present in Lost, while at the same time creating a satire of the desert island genre in general.

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Posted by Va1entine 24th December, 2009
Rated :

Wow its been released!!!! Downloading....
Posted by Va1entine 24th December, 2009
Rated :

Whats the cheat to remove the censored box on the chick Joee lol!
Posted by Gokotti 24th December, 2009

Can you somehow skip those dialogs, cause it's really frustrating to read that coconut joke 3 times by clicking accidentally things?
Posted by Joee 24th December, 2009

Unfortunately, no. I realised the need for that towards the end of development, and wanted to implement it but didn't have time to do so, since I needed to get this game finished before Christmas since I'm leaving the country afterwards and not taking my Windows PC with me.

My real mistake was not thinking of that when I started developing the game. It's a criticism I'm willing to accept
Comment edited by Joee on 12/24/2009
Posted by Aden 24th December, 2009
Rated :

i didnt like it that much, everything was too slow, like puting things together but especialy the text! i got soo anoyed at the text not going away that i had to quit, the graphics where very good. but most of what was happening wasnt. It rominded me of LOST a lot so well done there i wouldve liked a button that got the text away, and... is the main menu supposed to be clear? i thought it looked... odd. also i had to read the read me to find out how to open the inventory it wouldve been nice to be able to press "i" or something instead of searching the screen for an invisable box
Comment edited by Aden on 12/24/2009
Posted by Johnny Look 25th December, 2009
Rated :

The non-skippable text pretty much ruins the whole game, and even though I was waiting for this game since I saw the trailer in the klikast, I only played it for a few minutes and then I left. It's a damn shame because most of it seems well done, specially the graphics and some animations.

I can't really say the same for the sound, there are very few sound effects, the whole atmosphere (one of the most important things in a adventure game) feels very empty, and the crappy midi music you put in doesn't help either.

If you only you could work on the sound, and let the player to skip the text you'd have a 5 stars game without a problem.
Posted by Joee 26th December, 2009

Well, I never claim to be a great musical composer. I tried to find one, but couldn't, and didn't want to just rip music from existing games. I like my games to be 100% original!

The slow text speed I've answered for already. I want to fix it eventually, I just won't have time to do that for every frame of the game just yet!
Posted by Johnny Look 26th December, 2009
Rated :

Sorry if I was a bit too harsh, but the problem with the music isn't the compositions themselves, it's the fact that they are all midis, which could be ok for a (very)retro styled game, but feels extremely amateurish and out of place in your game. I think you could ask around, there are many extremely talented composers around that will write a soundtrack for you at no cost.
Posted by Jon Lambert 26th December, 2009

Posted by Joee 26th December, 2009

Haha, dont' worry about being harsh. I like criticism, actually. Without it, It's harder to improve! Next time I make a game, there will definately be a text skipping feature!
Posted by Johnny Look 27th December, 2009
Rated :

why not improve this one instead of going for a new one ? This game could be greatly improved with some small tweaks.
Posted by UrbanMonk 27th December, 2009

Yeah the music kinda kills it for me.

I know you're "leaving the country" and all, but couldn't you have left the source code to someone that can make some better music?
Posted by Joee 27th December, 2009

Well, I asked for a musician, and nobody answered my call!
Posted by Johnny Look 28th December, 2009
Rated :

They aren't that many so the chances one will see your forum topic/devlog/whatever are rather slimso you'll be better off by contacting them personally.
Posted by Va1entine 30th December, 2009
Rated :

Graphically I S L A N D is 5 star and is one of the best looking Click games i've seen in awhile which is an amazing achivement however one or two smaller issues which Johnny Look has kindly picked up on stops me from give Island 5 stars. I was alittle disappointed also i didn't get to see the plane crash but on the plus side this game has a great story and i very much enjoyed playing it. Thanks Joee Island is a great addition to the Daily Click and to the whole click team community you should be very proud!
Posted by Pariah Leviticus 8th January, 2010

Why does the download lead to a porn site?
Posted by Joee 14th January, 2010

Hmm... I'm not getting a porn site but a suspsended page. This shouldn't happen. I'll look into it.
Posted by Joee 14th January, 2010

N.B. and the porn site shouldn't have happened either!
Posted by Joee 29th January, 2010

Link fixed!
Posted by Fredrik Ortmon 10th February, 2010

That was a good game, mate !
I liked the humor
Posted by Joee 20th February, 2010

Download link temporarily down again. Will be up again shortly!
Posted by Joee 20th February, 2010

Download link is up again!




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