The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Puzzle ::. The Block Fairy

The Block Fairy
Author: Mecha the Slag Submitted: 19th July, 2010 Favourites:1
Genre: Puzzle Downloads: 278

Edited By Mecha the Slag on 7/19/2010

Ever wondered how ?-Blocks gets placed around the world?
It's not the tooth fairy, it's not the Easter bunny, it's the Block Fairy!
Entering small children's rooms at night and places blocks under their pillow~
okay that's not really his style, he enjoys it far more FIRING the blocks RIGHT. IN. THE. SPOT. boom he goes. Oh yeah.

Controls of the fine cannon:
Up and down arrow keys = move vertically
left and right arrow keys = aim
Space (hold) = charge cannon
Space (release) = FIRE
Escape = return

Review This Download (7 mkb )

Posted by Jon Lambert 19th July, 2010

Nice concept, fun game. I was going to complain that the blue sky green hills area gets boring after a while and then I got to World 2, so that's not applicable anymore.

I played the first challenge level and got this to happen:
Posted by Va1entine 20th July, 2010
Rated :

I enjoyed playing this little Mario spinoff mini game too, very clever! It certainly explains how the question mark blocks are replaced in Super Mario anyway!
Posted by Rikus 24th July, 2010
Rated :

I actually loved it, I had so much fun shooting the blocks into place. Lots of different levels to keep things interesting, and I loved that music! Success!
Comment edited by Rikus on 7/24/2010
Posted by markno2 24th July, 2010

This would've been much better with a bouncy, circle shaped object, instead of a sticky and awkwardly-bouncing square. Maybe you should make the next one "The Coin Fairy" or something. Still pretty good, though.
Posted by SToP GAP 26th July, 2010

Brilliant game!! The pacing and music and everything are perfect - I love it! You really need to make this flash-able and try to get a publisher (with non-Mario graphics of course) I reckon it'd go down a treat! This on the iPhone as well...
Posted by Graeme2408 26th July, 2010
Rated :

Excellent game! Very addictive(and frustrating!).
The block's movement physics is really well done and I love the overall presentation.
Posted by Bricnic 27th July, 2010
Rated :

Great game, until the space levels (seem to be mostly based on luck, pretty unreasonable to get those bounces reliably). Minor issue with the smoke; if your block dies, when you shoot the next block, a smoke puff appears at the old position of the block (where it died). I'm guessing you created the puff in the same event that you repositioned the block.
Posted by NUB 29th July, 2010
Rated :

Brilliant, I love the bouncy movement on the block and the tracer and smoke gfx look great
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 19th August, 2010
Rated :

Ha ha! Brilliant fun!





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