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The Way Back (Demo)
Author: MeadowHare Submitted: 20th November, 2010 Favourites:6
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 1609
54th Place     (4.5 / 5)

Edited By MeadowHare on 5/7/2012

The first release from Docileware! This demo is to whet the appitite of any followers I have, and to give a sample of what can be expected in future titles.

This demo contains very little story, but what it does contain has much to do with the final The Way Back game. Challenges are presented in the game, which unlock more features when passed. The main game can be passed in about 6-8 minutes, but multiple playthroughs are encouraged.

*EDIT* Updated version with a little double jump added to relieve frustration. Also, fullscreen is now a choice.

Final Features:

-A few Intense boss battles
-High-quality sprites/Backgrounds
-7 musical tracks
-A Large variety of enemies

Enjoy the game, and thank you for your patience!

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Posted by monkeytherat 20th November, 2010
Rated :

Posted by Rich Datson 20th November, 2010

I don't know if it was my computer or not but I couldn't get past the title screen. Was there something I'm meant to press on begin game?
Posted by canavaro99 20th November, 2010
Rated :

i think it was W to start the game. this game is really good so far. very good ai for the enemies. and i really like youre style of drawing stuff, it's just so cool! but what i love the most is the enemies, they are diffrent, cool, awesome. same with the bosses. great ideas for the enemies.

EDIT: i came to the boss with the long arms and got the heros sword. then i couldn't damage the boss and died
Comment edited by canavaro99 on 11/20/2010
Posted by alessandroLino 20th November, 2010

I've finished it, and i'm really excited to play the finished version!

I've got some feedback though, first, i think the 'rocket jump' should have some more power, sometimes you have to jump over and over until you get it right, and it gets a bit annoying after a few tries. Also, there was a part where the background was too bright, and some enemies throwing up white balls, it was a bit difficult to see the balls, but nothing too serious.

The final boss and the cinematics were also very good, but i don't know how i got the sword, i was trying to kill the boss and then i seen the sword on the ground, did it drop from the tree stuff? Hmm, guess i'll gonna play it some more to find out.
Posted by Sumo148 20th November, 2010
Rated :

I thought it was okay. The controls felt a little weird. Maybe you can add customizable controls if you haven't already?

I thought the rocket jump was really annoying though. The unusual controls (for me) plus the precision of the rocket jump really bugged me.
Posted by Marko 20th November, 2010

Very good so far, especially the tight engine and very prefessional looking graphics, presentation and sound/music. Not very keen on the button set-up though, echoing what the others have said above, though i haven't tried it with a joypad yet. Actually, can joypads be used? I'm guessing not and if you can't use joypads that's the bit i would like to see in the finished game the most
Posted by Yami 21st November, 2010

Pros - I liked the art and the engine was put together well.

Cons - The controls were a bit awkward. Mostly the rocket jump. I found using the normal gun better than the rocket and so the only use of the rocket was for that jump.

A simple solution would be just give the character a double jump instead and get ride of the rocket. Remember, sometimes simple is better. Keep up the good work, I hope my comment helps you make the game even better.
Posted by Benny Lindberg 21st November, 2010

Wow, I really liked everything about this! The sound effects had a really nice "oomph" to them and I absolutley adore the design. Can't wait for more!
Posted by funness 21st November, 2010
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is there any way i can move the game into my screen it's off to a side and i can't see the reload or gun i have at all
Posted by funness 21st November, 2010
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Posted by Klayman 21st November, 2010
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This is really cool. I personally love the rocket gun but I also agree that it was a little awkward to use the rocket jump. Can't wait to see the finished version of this.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 21st November, 2010
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It's very cool! Nice graphics and concept, however, I personally dislike the aiming controls. It's very awkward constantly switching between fixed/free. Plus the rocket jump is hard to pull off correctly, especially when jumping on platforms. I tend to press down at the same moment I jump, causing me to fall through the platforms.
Posted by Ski 22nd November, 2010
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Not a bad game.

It's a shame though, the engine felt quite nice to play and quite well made, but the controls were quite frustrating at times.

Also having to swap weapons around all the time became quite annoying near the beggining, especially having to use bazooka on so many jumps, so early on.

Graphically it wasn't bad, but weak in places such as enemies and backdrop graphics.
Posted by MeadowHare 22nd November, 2010

Wow, thanks for all the feedback, guys.

So from what I gather, the controls and Bazooka jump were the main problems for people. I guess I got too used to my own engine so I didn't even realize it would be so difficult...

As for joypads, they can be used if the programming uses "Pressed fire 1, 2 etc." correct? If not, can somebody tell me how to enable Joypad control?

Adam, where specifically were the graphics weak? I put so much work into them... But I'd like to know where I can improve on them.

Again, thanks for all the comments!
Posted by Ski 22nd November, 2010
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First area, too much obvious tiling, too green, pillow shading. The backgrounds are quite simplistic, don't give much depth and look quite messy, some of the tiled wall patterns are kinda ugly. Just little things that add up
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 22nd November, 2010
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"As for joypads, they can be used if the programming uses "Pressed fire 1, 2 etc." correct?"


You can also go the long way and program joypad support with key-configuring in a nice menu, but it can be a little tricky. The advantage would be that joypad users could assign a shoulder button for aiming diagonally and such.

I have to agree with Adam a bit. Though the graphics hold a nice standard, they can very much be improved to give the game a really professional look. One thing to look into on the gfx part would be contrasting a bit.

Keep up the good work!
Posted by nim 23rd November, 2010
Rated :

I love this game!

I didn't mind the rocket jump but a double jump would certainly be appreciated. Downloading v.1 now.

Excellent enemy and boss design. The challenge was perfect for me and I really enjoyed the whole experience. Looking forward to the full game!
Posted by Carnivorous id 24th November, 2010
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Great demo! I didn't try the keyboard contols though. I just used the F8 button and played it using my joypad. I didn't have any control issues. Can't wait to play the full game
Posted by PhoenixForce 30th November, 2010
Rated :

The Way Back Demo is an awesome first look at what looks to be shaping up as an awesome adventure game.

The only negative thing i'll say (it's a demo so it's no biggie anyway), was when i died on the last boss and tried to continue, after respawning i was stuck and could not move left anf right.

I really cannot wait for a full game, it's gonna be so immense.
Posted by KreatorKat 15th December, 2010
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so good i don't exactly know how you made it, meadowhare.

Posted by Toadsanime 17th December, 2010

Jesus, this looks fantastic. I don't usually do demos, but I'll download it anyway considering.

Hopefully I'll remember to check-up on the full release, if not though, someone feel free to message me with any news on it.
Posted by Resident-Pyromaniac 25th January, 2011
Rated :

Great game. I thought the gameplay was refreshing. I'll be looking forward to the full version.





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