The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Escape Pet

Escape Pet
Author: Beeb Submitted: 6th February, 2011 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 301

Edited By Beeb on 12/7/2011

You play as a boy who wins a contest but crash lands on a planet. You find a egg that hatches into a alien. You train the alien how to fly, swim, and/or dig so that he can help you get to another space ship.

To train the alien you play timed mini-games. There are 3 different mini-games and each gets harder as your alien gets stronger. There are 3 different endings depending on how strong your alien is at the end of the game. The game also saves automatically so you can continue later.

Made this for the 8-bit contest thing. I recommend using a joypad and full-screening it to get that real retro feel!

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 (4.28 mkb )

Posted by Simon Czentnár 6th February, 2011

It looks great!
Posted by s-m-r 10th February, 2011
Rated :

There's a lot of potential in this simple game...

Had fun playing this for a bit. The dialogue you wrote up between the boy and the alien had me chuckling at points ("Shut up, it'll make you a man." "What's a man?" HAHAHA!)

Is there any change to the game depending on how many days it takes you to escape?
Posted by Beeb 10th February, 2011

Thanks man, I've really wanted someone to tell me what they thought of it, lol.

No, I added the days to feel like you're stuck on the island for so many days and so you could maybe have a personal best of how fast you escaped.

The game saves by itself so you can come back and continue it...probably should put that in the description lol.
Posted by s-m-r 15th February, 2011
Rated :

Review posted.

Very amusing game, Beeb.
Posted by Beeb 15th February, 2011

I love you s-m-r! Lol, little harsh of a review but thanks a lot man, I appreciate it.
Posted by s-m-r 16th February, 2011
Rated :

I tried to keep the fact that it was a game made for the retro competition in mind. Playing Escape Pet made me think of all those weekends where I would rent like four or five games on a Friday and basically lock myself in my room to play for 30 hours straight, breaking only for food and trips to the bathroom. Sleep? Pfft! That cuts into game time.

It's unfortunate if the review sounded a little harsh to you. I really did enjoy the game (except for the odd music, honestly). Maybe my good-natured jibes at the retro format and theme didn't go over so well. For that, I apologize; I'm working on becoming a better writer.

And every time I post a review, the paragraphs end up disappearing and they are malformed into huge blocks of text. If we were able to go back in and edit them, I would do so and format it more legibly...Perhaps the new website will allow for review editing.
Posted by Beeb 17th February, 2011

No, no need to apologize I'm glad for the review and probably did take somethings too seriously, lol. I thought it was a very nicely written review, thanks again.





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