The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. A Cat's Night 2

A Cat's Night 2
Author: Pietro Turri Submitted: 30th April, 2013 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 332

Edited By Pietro Turri on 23/02/2016

Every night, some animals of the city 'of Forlė are kidnapped and taken away with a white van. The Feline Council ask the help of Horace, the hero of the cattery Emergenza Randagi, which is now' was adopted and lives with his family in the center of Forli'.

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 (143 mkb )

Posted by Codemonster 7th May, 2013
Rated :

Just for future reference - I'm personally going to take the risk and download this 143MB game regardless of the fact that there is a two sentence description that doesn't tell you anything about game mechanics etc.

I should warn you however - I would put in a better description as I'm sure most people won't download this because of the size and lack of description.

How big is the world? Is it a point and click? Puzzles? Are you Horace?
Posted by Codemonster 7th May, 2013
Rated :

Very well done Pietro - character, story and level development was well thought out, and the engine is solid. The cutscenes are fun to watch if you like cats. This game was obviously made with alot of love.

I'm giving it 4 stars because I do have one issue. When I go to the graphics settings, it automatically selects a resolution of both of my monitors combined! I need to be able to manually select my resolution if possible - because the game crashes if I use the huge resolution that is automatically selected. Because of this, I'm forced to play in windowed mode.

For those wondering, this is a point and click adventure.
Comment edited by Codemonster on 5/7/2013
Posted by Codemonster 10th May, 2013
Rated :

Still working on beating this. If you're a hardcore adventure gamer and a cat lover, this is for you.
Posted by Pietro Turri 12th May, 2013

Thanks a lot Codemonster, i'm glad that you appreciate the game.





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