The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Knights of the Triangle NEW LINK

Knights of the Triangle NEW LINK
Author: ACE_Spark Submitted: 4th July, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 420

Download from this link from now on. Thanx.
The demo includes the first world, (4 levels) and 6 bosses, and a hidden bonus stage. Many of the bugs that are in it now will be fixed in the 2nd demo. Reviews would be appricated.

Review This Download (Oh, about 900kb. )

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Posted by Georgie 4th July, 2002

I'll review the game if I can ever get past the bosses. First boss I was sent flying into the middle pit 3 times before I realized what to do. Now on the BLue ball boss is there anyway to avoid the pit of doom? I;m always right over it when i get to that part and I just end up hitting the boss once right before I hit the bottom of the screen. Help please
Posted by Jason Orme 4th July, 2002

Ohh, i like the lightning boss, he is easy, but sooo cool!
Posted by Jason Orme 4th July, 2002

there is a bonus stage, and so you can skip the boss. trying finding it ;)
Posted by ACE_Spark 4th July, 2002

lol.. ah that boss... I gotta change ;) he's too hard for the first level. Anyway.. I can't really help you, I think you should wait till the next demo to beat the blue thing.. Anyway the password for level 2 is R2 I think. :)
Posted by Tigerworks 4th July, 2002

I found the bonus stage and got an extra 8 lives or something :D
Posted by Jason Orme 4th July, 2002

the boss that keep making baddies was prety hard, until i knew how to do it and it was good cuz i could kep going back to get that life.
Posted by ACE_Spark 4th July, 2002

Hehe, cool. :)
Posted by Killerjedi 4th July, 2002

overall it's pretty fun, a little engine improvement would be great. I love the jumping style though. Like mario, only with balls and lightning guys. i liek
Posted by 5th July, 2002

what a stupid game. stop playing sonic, sally
Posted by ACE_Spark 5th July, 2002

Posted by DeadmanDines 5th July, 2002

Gustav, what's stupid about it? It has bonus levels, a considerably degree of longevity, the game is fun, ok - the movement is a little buggy and could be improved, but in a whole this is a good, well made game, and I can't wait for the full version. I've also heard tell of a sequel possibly... this true?
Posted by ACE_Spark 5th July, 2002

I don't think Tigerworks knew it was a demo :-p Expect the next version some time soon..
Posted by ACE_Spark 5th July, 2002

erm, the boy's review.. is 4 words long... either change it or delete it? >.<
Posted by Tauto 5th July, 2002

the movement sucks and you can't even swing your sword.
Posted by Jason Orme 5th July, 2002

Ace, dont be so critical of reviews that arnt long, atleast he liked it and atleast he did a review. What more could you ask for ;)
Posted by ACE_Spark 5th July, 2002

YOUR NOT MEANT TO SWING YOUR SWORD. Sheesh, how many more times do i have to say that?
Posted by Jason Orme 5th July, 2002

it would still be a nice feature though
Posted by 5th July, 2002

hahahaha. i love platformers. good platformers.
Posted by Jesse (riko[fa]) 5th July, 2002

Say it once more for me. Why do I have a sword when I can't use it?
Posted by 5th July, 2002

Posted by Jesse (riko[fa]) 5th July, 2002

Ah, right.
Posted by 5th July, 2002

Posted by Georgie 5th July, 2002

Jeez He doesn't swing his sword becuase he has no arm muscles. So he just has to jump on people's heads until he learns how to swing a plastic lightsaber first, then upgrade to something like a butcher knife and so on.
Posted by ACE_Spark 5th July, 2002

rofl. :-p Actually later in the game he WAS going to get muscles to swing the sword.
Posted by Jason Orme 5th July, 2002

I bet he was ;)
Posted by ACE_Spark 6th July, 2002

Actually he was. :-p
Posted by »xerus 6th July, 2002

This game is teh ownx0r =D Except the whole fall into the pit and die on the first level boss. =(
Posted by ACE_Spark 6th July, 2002

Thanx to those that actually posted good coments AND non - insulting bad comments. Maybe you should go talk to Alex, that gay loser, he keeps insulting me, saying that Knights is even "a proper click game".. sheesh, I know it has faults... but his insulting is going too far.
Posted by ACE_Spark 6th July, 2002

*Knights is not even* Forgot to add "not" in..
Posted by Jason Orme 6th July, 2002

Just ignore them, Its a fun game and if you enjoy it and you know that atleast 1 person enjoys it, then its okay.
Posted by ACE_Spark 6th July, 2002

Uh huh... Yoda, Alexander.. you guys suck. :-p But you aint gonna win.. Knights is gonna continue :)
Posted by T.U.G.A. 6th July, 2002

oh shut up, Im sick of you, and Ill tell you this, Im gonna find your IP address and hack into your C drive,let that be a warning.
Posted by T.U.G.A. 6th July, 2002

hack hack hack, HAHAHA!!
Posted by DBack 6th July, 2002

Oh, go haxx0r a tmp. INSIDE JOKE LOLS.
Posted by Tempyst 6th July, 2002

Oh dear. He's going to haxx0r my TMP IF I INSULT HIM. Wait, I already did by writing this. I better go back up my hardcore pornography.
Posted by ACE_Spark 7th July, 2002

lol. Hack my computer.. wow Im quaking in my boots.. Seriously, you ain't gonna win. Besides, hacking is illegal, if it happens, the police get invovled. :)
Posted by ACE_Spark 7th July, 2002

Oh, and Yoda, if the game sucks? Explain those reviews.
Posted by Spike! 7th July, 2002

rofl hack into a C drive lol talk about the noob way to think about it, i bet you don't even know the first place to start lol i dare i triple dare you to hack into his or my comp rofl now im laughing, you dont have a clue how to hack, hack into someones C drive lol :) go on then hack into it ill just rename to YOU SUCK so u can find it easier? k? lol lol 217.35.11.* there my ip given in the "online section" the last number is hidden as is the port... i bet you don't know what either of those could be huh? lol
Posted by ACE_Spark 7th July, 2002

Uh huh. :)
Posted by DBack 7th July, 2002

We live in a free, happy world where everyone was not of teh haxx0r... THEN CAME "'OPARARTION HAX0R!!!1" and ALL TMPs WERE HAXX0r WITH A LUNIX GUI.
Posted by T.U.G.A. 7th July, 2002

Spike, Ill keep that IP in mind :) I cant do it right away thought,I have to wait for my new computer in August
Posted by Spike! 7th July, 2002

rofl you gotta wait for your new computer ? whys that then
Posted by Jason Orme 7th July, 2002

cuz his hacking backfired LOL! :D
Posted by Simdrone052 8th July, 2002

Dude, getting hacking software that advanced would be impossible for you! You would have to use Sub 7, or make your own trojan with MMF (it is possible, trust me, I have used one, muahahahahahahah...)
Posted by The Chris Street 8th July, 2002

sub7 can be sent to your PC deliberately if the sender finds your port, and sends it backdoors...then the windows registery can be modified. I've had loads of hacking threats, but no action, so I wouldnt worry about it too much
Posted by Spike! 9th July, 2002

yea i know :) thats why im askin him to do it :) lol
Posted by 11th July, 2002

The game wasnt so weary good. it wasn't even a good platform movement
Posted by 11th July, 2002

Posted by 11th July, 2002

OK! weary good!
Posted by ACE_Spark 25th March, 2003

Erm.. ok.. those comments.. er.. are gay. O.o






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