i really loved that it played oh-so much like Goldeneye. specially that Dam level. whatever EA are doing with this new Goldeneye 2 isnt gonna work especially with TS3 coming out.
and how i love unlockables... how very much indeed...
T3 will definitelty kick ass. It's using some new type of engine that supposedly will let you run into battle, shoot a bunch of stuff, jump back let say 30 seconds in time, and help your pastself out. It's going to have an even more in depth level editing system and the same kick ass multi-player mayhem. It definitely will beat Halo2 in regards to enhancement of a series. Halo 2 is way to much like its predecessor, but T3 will be much more than just a few new weapons. And I have to agree with Jay, Golden eye will have a very hard time beating T3. I've seen some videos of the new Golden eye, and while it DOES look good, it's no Timesplitters.
i was so excited to buy time splitters 2, i was ready to spend hundreds of hours on it like i had goldeneye and then perfect dark. what a dissapointment, that it took so many steps backwards from perfect dark. its a goldeneye rip off with a nice smooth engine and lots of features/modes but its not much fun.
Looks nice, I have to agree in a way I was fairly disappointed with TS2, due to the amount of levels, I completed Easy in about 2 days, and I wasn't on it that much.
Anyway, no use pissing my sorrows out, this looks to be a great game and right next to Viewtiful Joe 2 this is a game I may get.
No way could you have completed it on hard in 2 days, let alone all those arcade leauges on at least gold (platinums are extreamly hard to get), done all the challenges, accesed every charactor and got all the 50 odd arcade awards.
I'll argree that the amount of arcade levels was certainly lacking, but a couple are decent to say the least.
'Splitters 3 definately is a game on my wish list. Killzone ain't a Halo beater, this is.