He's saying "You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!
"You don't realize how powerful the androids really are!"
His right arm is at a pretty unnatural angle, it looks like he's trying to stick out his "man boobs" as much as he can, Bring that arm closer in on the body, also the strap on his sword is a bit to straight, make it curve up more towards the top so it looks like is wasn't pasted on there. Also he looks like he's got a bit of "oversized clown shoe" syndrome going on. Just tidy it up a bit and it'll look damn good.